Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #238

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"The Los Angeles publishing industry is probably a little bit larger than the one in Seattle -- or King's Bay, for that matter," Eric says matter-of-factly. "There must be another job to be had there."

"I'm sure there is. But I'm not interested," Diane replies curtly.

"So you're going to pass up what could be some very lucrative career opportunities because you don't want to go back to Los Angeles? I may not know you that well, Diane, but that doesn't sound too characteristic. What happened that you aren't telling me?"

The look that she fires at him is all steel and daggers. "Nothing happened. Drop it. Let's just enjoy Christmas, okay?"

Eric throws up his hands. "All right, I surrender. But don't think that I can't see through this."

Diane chooses not to validate the statement with a response. Instead she turns her attention to the food. After swallowing several bites, she says, "Come on, eat up. Once we're done eating, I'll sit Sam down with that video she wants to watch. And then you and I can get to our playtime ..."

Eric feels her naked toes tracing their way up his leg. A shiver of excitement surges through his body.

He meets the wicked smirk of her vivid red lips with his own playful grin. "Then stop distracting me so I can finish eating, Ms. Bishop."

"I'll try," she sighs. She feeds Samantha another few bites of food.

"Diane," Eric says after a long moment of silence between them. "About Los Angeles -- if there is something you want to discuss, if something happened that's bothering you -- I want you to know that I am here to listen."

At first she looks at him skeptically, but then her reaction softens. She offers an awkward, pleasant smile and then refocuses on Samantha.

Eric continues staring at her, observing, as he resumes eating. Diane Bishop ... Why do you have to be so closed off? What aren't you telling me?

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven . Eight .

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