Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #238

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A pair of long-stemmed silver candles burn brightly in the center of the small dining table, surrounded by the makings of a sumptuous Christmas feast.

"Thank God for catering services," Diane says as she slips into one of the high-backed chairs. "I think I would've killed all three of us if I'd even tried to cook something like this."

"Yeah, I don't think I would have been much of a help," Eric agrees. He surveys the meal laid out before them. "I don't think the two of us and Samantha are going to be able to finish all of this."

"Leftovers are a good thing."

He flashes her a smile, all dimples and sparkling white teeth. "How domestic of you."

"That's me, June Cleaver." She scoops up a forkful of mashed potatoes from the plate in front of Samantha. "C'mon, baby, dig in."

Samantha eagerly eats up the potatoes, then takes the fork from Diane.

"Ooh, big girl. Guess you can take care of yourself, huh?"

The little girl responds with an exaggerated nod and a broad smile.

"She really is adorable," Eric says after downing a hearty gulp of wine.

"Yeah, she is. I'm so glad I have her back. You worked wonders in that courtroom."

"That's what you hired me for, isn't it?"

"Of course. Well ... that and some other incredible talents." She offers him a wink.

He doesn't accept it too easily. "Diane, I'm fine with whatever is going on between us, but we really need to keep it separate from my professional life and from your case. Being involved with a client is not looked upon so favorably."

"I can handle that," she says, suddenly very defensive. "No problem. But seriously, you didn't have anyone better to hang out with on Christmas day than me?"

"I prefer a low-key kind of holiday. I'm too busy to fly back to Minnesota to be with my family, anyway. A nice, quiet celebration was just what I needed."

"I don't know that I do 'nice' or 'quiet' so well."

"You know what I mean," he says, amused by her self-awareness. "I'd rather have a more private type of Christmas."

"Now, 'private' -- that I can handle." Her trademark smirk returns. "Just wait til later."

"I can hardly wait ... but what about you? What would you have done if we didn't have plans today?"

"I dunno," Diane shrugs. "Maybe nothing. The holidays kinda bum me out, to tell the truth. They weren't much fun when I was growing up. I don't really have any desire to go spend time with my family and relive all that crap."

Eric pauses to take a few bites of the food and then asks, "Are you going to look for a place out here? You can't go on living in the hotel much longer."

"I've been scouting out a few places," she says. "I've gotta look for a job, too. I was thinking of scoping out Seattle for something, after this custody thing gets settled."

"So you're not going to go back to Los Angeles?"

"No way," she says after a too-long pause. "There's nothing left for me there anymore."

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