Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #238

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"You're sounding awfully optimistic all of a sudden," Jason says. Now that he thinks about it, he can see some sort of change in Molly, too -- something has been different in the past few days.

She shrugs, trying to remain nonchalant, but despite her best efforts can't keep that flutter of excitement hidden. "Sometimes things just ... fall into place."

The statement is loaded for Jason, whose shock manifests itself immediately. "You mean -- you and Brent? What happened?"

"I think he and Sarah are finally wrapping things up. Not that she's handled it very well, but still ... Their marriage is finally coming to a close. And I've had some really good talks with him lately."

"Good talks, how?"

Molly hesitates, but then blurts out in a rush: "I told Brent how I feel. And he said that he feels the same way."

As much as Jason wants to be happy for her, he can't, not really. "Mol, that doesn't mean you're just gonna have this free and open path now. I mean, even once the divorce goes through, he's still gonna be our sister's ex-husband. That's not exactly a relationship you can dive right into, you know?"

"I do know. Brent and I talked about that. But even so -- just knowing that I was right all this time, that his feelings for me really are as strong as mine for him -- it gives me a weird sort of hope."

"Well ... good. As long as you keep in mind that Sarah is still and probably always will be a part of this--"

"It's firmly implanted there, don't worry," she says, frustration showing through even though she tries to curb it. "But it finally feels like I'm getting my life in order, and it feels incredible. Speaking of which ..."


"Once everyone gets here, I've got an announcement to make."

"Huh? About what?"

She holds up her hands. "You'll just have to wait."

"Aw, c'mon," he begs, slipping right back into obnoxious-little-brother mode. "Give me a hint."

"No, no, a little suspense never killed anyone." She flashes a victorious smile and stands. "And on that note, I've got to go finish getting myself together."

"So sorry to interrupt your six-hour preparation ritual."

"I've always got time for my little bro," she says as she slips out of the room. "Even when he's pesky and tries to get smart with me ..."

"I do what I can!" he calls down the hall after her.

He moves back to the stereo and flips the Christmas music back on, giving himself a final once-over in the mirror. "Nothin' like a family Christmas," he says to himself as he shakes his head with amusement.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven . Eight .

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