Footprints: An Online Soap -- Characters

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By clicking on a character name below, you will be taken to a new half-window containing a profile of that character. Close the pop-up when you are finished to avoid overloading your computer.

Please note: The photographs used to identify the characters are a visual representation of the author's vision of the characters. The use of these photos is not meant to imply any involvement or approval on the part of the featured actors.

Major Characters

Bill Fisher
Paula Fisher
Claire Robbins Fisher
Molly Fisher
Sarah Fisher Taylor
Brent Taylor
Jason Fisher
Courtney Chase
Alex Marshall
Lauren Brooks
Ryan Moriani
Nick Moriani
Katherine Fitch
Andy Fitch
Matt Gray
Diane Bishop
Maggie Hudson

Minor Characters

Don Chase
Helen Chase
Sally Marshall
Sandy James
Travis Fisher
Samantha Fisher
Stan Lincoln

Inactive Characters

Tim Fisher
Danielle Taylor
Brian Hamilton
James Robbins
Craig Simmons
Dr. Smith

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