Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #238

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"Look who's here!" Sarah announces as Matt opens the door. Victoria toddles into the apartment happily.

"Hey there, little princess!" Matt smiles as he reaches down to scoop up his daughter. "Merry Christmas!"

In return he gets a very deliberate poke in the nose.

"So what'd you get from Santa?" he asks.

"Teletubby," Victoria answers, her baby voice softening the syllables.

"A Teletubby? Wow!"

"She makes it sound so simple," Sarah says. "What she really means by 'Teletubby' is that she got a Teletubby doll, a baby doll, a stuffed puppy, a new dress ..."

Matt puts on a mock-apologetic expression. "Well, I think I've got some bad news for you, Mom."


"Yeah. Santa, he, uh, he left a bunch of stuff here, too."

Sarah's face lights up as she looks at Victoria. "Did you hear that? Santa came here, too!"

The little girl's eyes bug out and she searches frantically all over the apartment. "More presents?"

"Yup," Matt says, putting her down so that she can run over to the pile of wrapped gifts in the middle of the living room.

"You didn't have to do this, Matt," Sarah says as they watch Victoria dig into the fresh pile.

"I wanted to. I thought it'd be fun for her."

"Oh, she's definitely enjoying it."

Matt stands back, taking in the joy on Sarah's face as she watches their daughter's excitement. "I'm really happy you guys came over today," he says finally.

She turns to him with an appreciative smile. "I'm glad we did, too. It'll be good for Victoria to spend the day with both of us."

"Yeah." He pauses a moment, finding that he has to muster up some courage to say what comes next. "It'll be good for both of us, too."

Sarah seems a little surprised by how direct he suddenly sounds.

"I meant what I said the other night," he says. "I really do care about you, Sarah. And the best gift you could gimme for Christmas would be telling me that you wanna move on with your life -- with me."

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven . Eight .

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