Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #238

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"Hey, Mol," Jason calls out from his bedroom.

It is a moment before Molly pokes her head in the door. "Yeah?"

"Does this match?" he asks, still examining himself in the mirror.

"Yeah, it looks good." She pushes the door all the way open and comes in. "Nice work. There may be hope for you yet, kid."

"I don't think I'll ever achieve your level of fashion maven-ness, but thanks, I do what I can." He spends a few seconds more adjusting himself in the mirror and then turns to her. "Jeez, this is some Christmas."

She can see right to the core of what he's implying. "Things still aren't better with Courtney?"

"Nope. She's totally blown off skating the last couple weeks -- she told Sandy that she's not sure what she wants to do now. And I haven't been able to have anything resembling a productive conversation with her."

"I guess I can see why she'd be upset about the whole thing, but this just seems ... extreme."

"I know!" He begins pacing over the beige carpet. "And it's not like I don't know that I screwed up. I should have at least kept Alex from leading Lauren on like that. But Courtney got mad at me when I tried to convince her not to push them together."

Molly takes a seat on the bed before he can run her down. "You were being a good friend to Alex. Maybe the interests conflicted a little, but you were in a tough position. I think you made a good choice in respecting his privacy."

"Thanks," he says quietly. "It's nice to hear someone say that. Courtney seems to think that I put my friendship with Alex ahead of my relationship with her. She thinks she can't trust me anymore."

"I don't know what to tell you. If it were me in her position -- I wouldn't be reacting like this, I'll tell you that."

"This is how she reacts to everything. She has a fit and has to make it something bigger than it is. But you know what's the worst part? I miss her. I wanna get back to where we were before all of this."

"Then fight for her," Molly says with obvious confidence. "Make it work. If the two of you are meant to be together, you'll get through this."

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven . Eight .

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