Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #197

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Molly shifts uncomfortably in her seat. "What?"

"Sarah and I are anything but back on track," Brent says. "We're being civil, yeah, but even that's still shaky."

"It's a step."

"A step that's not leading anywhere." He leans back in the chair again, although this time he maintains eye contact with her. "I needed to be there for Sarah after Tim's death. And I did want to be -- I didn't like seeing her go through that feeling like she was all alone."

"She wasn't all alone. Or she didn't have to be. We were all there for her. She just wouldn't let us in."

"I realize that. We both know how Sarah can get." He exhales deeply, taking the extra seconds to pull together his words. "Molly, the time I've spent with Sarah lately made a lot of things clear to me."

"It did?" Molly asks, hoping as soon as the words are out that she doesn't sound as stupid as she thinks she might.

"Absolutely. I did want to be able to comfort Sarah -- but that meant I couldn't spend any time with you at all. And I didn't like that. We're--we're friends, and you deserved just as much as Sarah to have me there to talk about the whole thing."

"You don't owe me anything, Brent."

"Actually, I do. You've helped me through a lot of difficult times. And I wanted to be there for you. I know it had to be a little stifling going over the same things with your family over and over."

"Just a little bit," she says, holding her thumb and index finger about an inch apart.

"But the thing is, I couldn't be there for you because of Sarah. And there's no way I can go on in a marriage that restricts me like that."

Molly leans forward, resting her elbows on her knees. "What are you saying?"

"I--" He swallows hard and then springs to his feet. He begins pacing behind the desk.

Molly's breath is caught in her chest, and even the effort of speaking a few simple words is a strenuous task. "What is it?"

"Something I've needed to do for a while now."

She urges him on with a lift of her eyebrows.

He stops pacing and their eyes connect. For Molly, the moment brings her back to so many moments of the past -- moments when she was sure there was something between them. And she can feel it now, see it now, pulsing in his eyes as they stare into her.

His teeth graze over his lower lip before he finally speaks. "I'm going through with the divorce."


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