Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #197

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The television hums in the background, but Sarah is paying little attention to it. At the small dining table, she finishes the last bite of a sandwich. She rises to bring her plate to the sink just as Matt emerges from the bedroom.

"... and she's out like a light," he announces.

Sarah sets her dish in the sink. "Terrific! Now all we have to do is get her to nap like this every day and we'll be set. Maybe then she'd stay asleep for a whole night."

"She been waking up a lot?"

"I don't know if it's a lot," she says with a shrug, "but it feels like it. My sleep has been so broken up lately ..."

"Well, if you ever want me to take her for a night--"

"Nah, I think I can handle her. Besides--" She inhales deeply and then lets the air out thoughtfully. "--I think I might get lonely without her."

Matt leans against the wall. "You've really taken to this motherhood thing."

A smirk lights up her face. "Yeah, I guess I have." She turns on the water and begins to rinse off the dish. "And as far as I can tell, you're not doing so badly with this father thing, either."

"Guess not." He clasps his hands together behind his head, accentuating the muscles in his upper arms. Sarah glances over but quickly jerks her eyes away.

"I never really thought I'd be any good at being a dad," Matt says, dropping his arms. "Or that I'd want to be good at it."

Sarah turns the water off. She picks up the plate and sweeps over its surface a few times with a dishtowel before placing it in the rack to dry.

"Do you worry about screwing up?" she asks once she has set the plate down. "About being a really awful parent? It's like, no matter how hard I try, I worry that I won't be able to do it, you know?"

"Totally ... But don't worry, you're not going to screw up."

"Matt, look at what a mess I made of her birth. How am I supposed to hold myself together for the next eighteen years -- or the rest of her life, even -- well enough not to mess her up completely?"

Matt spends a moment fishing for his words, but once he finds them they flow smoothly. "Because you care. Because you love her and you want to give her the best life you can."

"I just keep thinking that it can't be that simple," Sarah sighs. "Look at my family. I know that my parents love us and have always wanted what's best for us -- but it didn't stop us from winding up with problems. Stuff gets in the way. Like ... I told you about Claire's father, didn't I?"

Matt nods.

"There's a perfect example. He did love her and he wanted what he thought was best for her -- that just happened to include getting her away from Tim and the life she had. Don't you worry about stuff like that -- about making mistakes without knowing it? Isn't -- wasn't -- there stuff in your family that makes you think like that?"

Matt doesn't say anything. His eyes move to the floor, and when they come up, he speaks quickly and without looking directly at Sarah. "I see what you mean. But hey, I've gotta get going."

He makes a move for the door, but Sarah remains frozen by the sink.

He is almost at the door when her voice stops him in his tracks. "Not so fast, mister."

He answers without turning around. "What?"

"That was not so smooth," she says, her arms folded in front of her.


She cocks her head to the side. "Why do you refuse to talk about your family?"

Next scene
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