Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #197

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"What?" Katherine's eyes flare. "Let Andrew go? Are you mad?"

"No, Katherine, dear," Nick says, placing his hands on her in an effort to calm her. "I didn't mean that you should let him go entirely. But I think what Andrew needs -- what both of you need -- right now is some space."

"If I give him space I'm going to lose him," she says, her voice thinning. "He's going to slip away from me even more than he has already."

"Maybe," Nick admits with a shrug. "But if you keep having these nasty encounters with him, things are never going to get better. You're almost certainly going to push him away for good if things continue the way they've been going."

Katherine seems ready to fight back, but then simply drops her head. "I miss him, Nick. I miss having a son. I just want things to be the way they were -- before that wretched Danielle came into our lives."

"It would be wonderful if we could go back in time, wouldn't it? But it's not possible, Katherine. The only way for you to have that type of relationship with Andrew again is for both of you to step back for awhile."

His cellular phone cries out before Katherine can reply.

"Excuse me," Nick says, removing the phone from his jacket.

He steps out of the room, taking care to remove himself from Katherine's range of hearing as the phone rings again. He heads down the hallway into a spare bedroom and is closing the door as he answers the call.

"Nick Moriani."

"Moriani." The voice on the other end sends shivers up Nick's spine, for which he mentally scolds himself.


"It's time," says the voice.

Nick knows exactly what the caller means. He swallows hard.

"You've got 48 hours," the voice continues. "You come to us with the money or else."

Nick can't find it in himself to protest. "Fine."

"Wonderful." And with that, there is a click on the other end of the line.

Nick turns off his own phone, gritting his teeth in aggravation. How dare they treat him like this?

But he knows they're right -- it's time for him to pay up. At least I can do it now, he thinks with a sigh of relief. He tries to focus his mind on Katherine's financial documents, the ones he helped organize not long ago.

It's do-or-die time, he thinks as he heads slowly back to his new wife.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven . Eight

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