Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #197

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"Sarah, I'm not ..."

"Uh-huh." She unfolds her arms and they drop to her sides. "Matt, I mentioned your family and the next thing I knew, you were bolting for the door. You could have at least tried to be a little less obvious."

Matt turns around, but avoids eye contact with her. He stuffs his hands into the pockets of his jeans. "I'm not avoiding anything. There just isn't anything to talk about."

"Nothing at all?"

"No, nothing. I've told you, I don't have any family left. And just 'cuz you have family problems doesn't mean everybody else does."

The comment stuns Sarah and her aggressiveness falls away before Matt's eyes.

"I--I'm sorry," he says, the edge gone from his voice. "I didn't mean--"

"Don't worry about it." She shakes her head back and forth rapidly, scattering loose wisps of dark blonde hair. She brushes them back into place with her fingers.

"No, that was stupid of me. I'm sorry." He comes towards her slowly and puts an arm around her shoulders. "I know things've been rough lately with losing your brother and all."

Sarah is quiet now, though she doesn't pull away from him.

"Have things been any better?" Matt asks. "I figured maybe this whole thing might help you patch things up with them a little."

"I don't know if that's possible ... It's like there's something up between us, some wall or something, and there's no way to break it down. Like I'm separated from the rest of them somehow."

Matt struggles for a moment for something to say. "Why do you think that is?" he finally manages.

"Because that's how it's always been," she says. "Tim was the oldest, so he was special. Jason had skating and he was the baby. And Molly -- she was always perfect. Perfect grades, good at sports, involved in everything at school, blah blah blah. I kind of got lost in the shuffle."

"Are you sure that's not you looking at things differently than they actually were?"


"Like, are you -- I don't know -- projecting your feelings back on the past or something? Because you feel separated from them now?"

Sarah looks up at him with an amused twinkle lighting up her face. "Wow, Dr. Freud, I'm impressed."


"You're getting all psycho-analytical on me," she laughs, sliding out of his arms.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

"What now?"

"I think maybe you're the one avoiding talking about your family now!" he accuses, though the tone of amusement in his voice is quite evident.

She throws up her hands. "Guilty as charged. I'd just rather not get into it, okay?"

"Then I'll leave ya alone," he says, finally making it all the way to the front door. He opens it up but then pauses. "Gimme a call if you need any help with Victoria, okay?"

"Sure. Bye." She offers a little parting wave and Matt disappears out the door.

He closes it behind him, but Sarah goes to it anyway and locks it up. And then she heads straight for the bedroom, where she curls up on the bed.

Clutching the pillow tightly, she tries not to think of anything Matt just said.

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