Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #197

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"Don't look so shocked!"

"I am shocked," Ryan replies, still catching his breath. "Why shouldn't I be? It's not like I knew you were coming -- and it's not like you come by that often."

"Sorry," Stan says. "So how are things with you? How's everything goin'?"

"Oh, everything's freakin' peachy." Ryan fumbles for his key to the house.

"Look, do you, uh -- do you wanna go grab a bite to eat or something? Maybe we could talk a little--"

Ryan turns sharply to him. "How much do you want?"

Stan leans back, looking puzzled. "Huh?"

"How much? You know, money? That's what you're here for, isn't it?"

Stan looks hurt. "I came here to see you, Ry."

"No, you didn't. You came here for money. The seeing-me part is just so you won't feel so guilty about it. And besides, it's probably easier to get some cash out of me if you put in a little 'quality time,' right?"

"Don't be stupid. I--" Stan tosses up his hands in frustration, but then seems to reign himself in. "I know I don't come around much, Ry. That's just -- it's how I am. But I'm here now, and it's to see you. Believe me, I wouldn't be in King's Bay otherwise."

"I'm not saying that you came here for a reason other than to see me," Ryan says, the element of disgust in his voice rather pronounced. "But there must be money involved. There always is."

Stan's shoulders droop. "Okay, fine. I was gonna ask you for a couple bucks. But I did wanna see you. And I need the money."

"I don't have any to give out," Ryan says curtly. "Remember when you came by last summer looking for a handout and I said I couldn't give you any? That ... situation still hasn't been resolved."

"What's goin' on? Did the old man get you two in some sorta trouble?"

After a pause, Ryan sighs. "Yeah, kind of. With any luck, it'll be taken care of soon."

Stan is quiet, though Ryan can see the seeds of some effort at bonding planting themselves in his father's mouth. He doesn't have the patience to wait for them.

"Look, you're not going to get any money from me," Ryan tells him. "And I'm really not in the mood to play catch-up, okay?"

"Fine," Stan finally says with a shake of the head. "I have things to do. I'll see ya later, okay?"

Ryan unlocks the front door as quickly as he can and slips inside without so much as another glance at Stan.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven . Eight

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