Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #239

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"Dinner!" Paula announces as she sets the last platter of food on the table, but it is rather pointless. The family has already descended on the dining room and begun to figure out a seating arrangement.

She stands back and watches as Claire gets Travis settled, and Matt and Sarah do the same with Victoria. She notices Bill watching and they share a warm, grateful smile. The Sarah they're seeing with Matt is such a departure the daughter they've seen over the last months ... maybe things really are settling down.

Still, Sarah is careful to sit on the end of the table, with Matt next to her and Jason beside him. Molly is all the way across from Jason, placing herself and Sarah practically as far apart as they can be.

Oh well, Paula thinks as she assumes the seat beside the head of the table, at Bill's side. These things take time.

"All right," Molly says once everyone is seated comfortably. "I've got an announcement I'd like to make." She's been having some doubts about making the announcement since Sarah showed up, but there isn't any reason to hold back ... she hopes. A quick glance over at Sarah reveals indifference. Perhaps it's calculated indifference, but that is far better than outright venom.

Across the table from her, Jason looks excited, as if he wants everyone to know that he was in on the fact that something was up with Molly. She grins at his goofy enthusiasm.

"Actually," she says, "I have told someone about this already -- no, not you, Jay."

He exaggerates his reaction, looking as crushed and deflated as possible.

"I told Dad the day that it -- well, the first part of it -- happened. But then I thought I'd wait until everyone was together." She pauses, savoring the anticipation on everyone's faces. "I've got a new job. I decided to try my hand at the fashion thing again, and I'll be working at Charlene Powers again, starting in a couple of days."

"That's excellent, Molly!" Paula says immediately. She has to glance over at Sarah, wondering if she is overdoing the praise, but tries to dismiss the concern.

Congratulations pour down from the rest of the table and Molly lets them subside before continuing. "There's more. Mom and Dad, this might be music to your ears ... I'm moving into my own apartment."

"You mean you don't want to live with your parents forever?" Bill asks with mock horror.

"Me moving back in here was supposed to be temporary anyway," she says. "It's time I got myself on the track to where I really want to be." She has to cast another glance down the table at Sarah, unable to keep Brent out of her mind entirely. For a moment she wonders how his Christmas in San Diego is going.

"That is good news, Molly. Congratulations," Bill says, raising his full wine glass in a toast. Everyone else follows.

"What a nice way to start off the meal," Paula says. "But before we eat, I think a prayer is in order."

Everyone seems to agree.

"This was possibly the most difficult year this family has ever had to endure," she says, bowing her head. "Not having Tim here for Christmas dinner ... it's hard for me to understand how that can be. But I know he's watching over us, and that he's still with us in some way. He always will be. We were blessed to have had him for as long as we did, and we're blessed to have his memory now."

She takes a peek up at Claire, whose folded hands are drawn up close to her mouth. Her eyes are brimming with tears.

"But we're all here, together," Paula continues. "Despite everything that has happened--" Unconsciously she slips in a moment of silence, and is sure that it is weighing heavily upon Molly and Sarah in particular. "--despite all of that, we were able to find our way back to each other for Christmas. And having everyone here, seeing that it's possible for the family to be together like this ... It gives me faith that love and hope are with us always, and they are the greatest gifts we have, the greatest gifts we share."

The table lapses into a moment of silence, observed even by Travis and Victoria, as though even the youngsters understand the significance of what has been said. And Paula is sure that everyone else can feel the same hope, love, and peace in the air that she can.

Christmas truly is here.


What did you think of the Fishers' Christmas celebration? How about Alex's visit to the Chases? Join us in the Message Forum to debrief about this Christmas!

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