Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #239

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"Now it's officially Christmas," Jason announces as he punches the 'play' button on the CD changer. The sounds of Mariah Carey's Christmas album begin to hum along underneath the rest of the action in the house.

He can hear the clinking of china and silverware coming from the dining room as Paula prepares the table for dinner. Bill and Claire are in the kitchen talking and working on the meal. A few feet from Jason, in the middle of the living room, Travis is making his own noises as he breaks in his new Christmas toys.

Jason looks to the stairs at the sound of footsteps. Molly bounds down the staircase.

"Hey," he says conspiratorially, hushing his voice and moving in closer to her. "Wanna give me a sneak preview of whatever your big news is?"

She pretends to consider it for a moment. "Ummm ... no, not really."

"Come on, throw me a bone here."

"You already got one -- at least you know I've got something to tell everyone. That's enough for now."

He debates pushing harder but realizes it is a lost cause. "Fine."

The sound of the doorbell pierces the air. Jason makes a beeline for the front door, nearly tripping over Travis in the process.

"Hey!" Molly hears him call out. For a moment she thinks it must be Courtney, come to make amends on account of the holiday. But the voice that responds to Jason does not belong to Courtney.

"Hey, Jay. Merry Christmas."

I thought she told Mom she wasn't coming, Molly thinks as she stands in the living room, unsure of whether she should make herself visible just yet.

"Merry Christmas," comes another voice behind Sarah. The front door closes and coats are hung up. A moment later, Jason leads Sarah and Matt, with Victoria in tow, into the living room.

"Look who decided to show up," Jason says, but he quiets immediately upon realizing that the only one there to hear him is Molly. The tension that Molly felt seconds ago is now ballooning out to fill the room.

"Merry Christmas," Molly says quietly.

Sarah looks as though she is going to reach out and slap her, but after a painfully long gap, she merely says, "Thanks." Then she leads Matt and Victoria to the dining room, where she can see Paula disappearing back into the kitchen.

"Hey," Matt whispers to Molly as they walk by her. "Merry Christmas."

"Thanks. It's good to see you."

"Good to see you, too," he says before heading off into the dining room.

Jason moves in close to Molly. "That wasn't so bad."

"No, it wasn't. But you never know with her ..."

"Give her a chance. I'm glad she brought Matt. Maybe he'll help mellow her out."

"Yeah, with any luck," Molly says, not entirely convinced that it's possible.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven .

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