Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #239

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"Guess who decided to make an appearance?" Sarah says, paused in the entryway to the kitchen.

Bill, Paula, and Claire all drop what they are doing to look up. Wide smiles bust out on the faces of the older Fishers immediately.

"Sarah!" Paula cries, hurrying over to embrace her daughter. "Merry Christmas. I'm so glad you came by."

Sarah returns the hug, a bit uncomfortably but very happily, and then steps aside. "I brought a little caravan with me. I hope you don't mind."

"No, not at all! Merry Christmas, Matt! And Victoria ..." Paula scoops up her granddaughter and immediately slides into baby talk with the giggling child.

"Merry Christmas, both of you," Bill says a little more calmly than his wife. "It's really good to see both of you. Especially together."

He and Matt share the briefest of looks, but Matt gets the message loud and clear: I told you it could work. Keep hanging in there.

"Claire, hi!" Sarah is saying. She and Claire share a brief hug. "It's been way too long."

"Yeah, it has," Claire says.

"I'm, uh, I'm sorry to hear about Samantha." Sarah thinks it best not to mention where she heard the news.

Claire tries to shrug it off, but even in the simple gesture, her pain is evident. "Hopefully she's comfortable with Diane. That's really all I can ask."

"I think she'll be fine," Sarah says, surprised at her own confidence in the statement.

"Sarah, could you give me a hand in the dining room for a moment?" Paula calls from across the busy kitchen.

"Sure, yeah." Sarah excuses herself from Claire and makes sure that Matt is okay. She finds him engaged in conversation with Matt and moves into the dining room.

"What do you need help with?" she asks Paula.

Paula sets Victoria back down and the little girl immediately scampers back into the kitchen. "Well, you could set out these glasses," Paula says, motioning towards a shelf in the china cabinet. "But I really just wanted to have a moment to speak with you."

"What about?"

"You coming here today. I'm so happy that you came."

"I wanted to. It helps to have Matt here ... but I wanted to be with you guys on Christmas. It seemed right."

"It is right," Paula says. "You belong here. Are you sure things will be all right between you and Molly?"

"Yeah," Sarah answers quickly, but then she stops. She considers it for a few seconds and then repeats, more emphatically, "Yeah. I can handle it. She wished me a merry Christmas when I came in and I just took that and moved on. I promise, I won't ruin Christmas by making a scene."

Paula has to chuckle a little at the idea, even though the memory of what happened during this summer's dinner party is a little too fresh and painful. "Good. All I want is for all of you to be happy."

"I can work on that."

"Good. And there's something else ..."


"I need your help with something."

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven .

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