Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #239

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"I can finish that up," Matt says, pointing to one of the pans on the stove.

"Are you sure?" Bill asks, though he is clearly grateful for the offer. His attention is being pulled in several other directions by other parts of the meal.

"Yup, no problem." Matt steps in and takes over the stove, allowing Bill to move, a little relieved, to other matters that need attending.

"Should this come out yet?" Claire calls out, peeking into the oven.

Bill glances quickly at the clock. "Give it two more minutes. It should be perfect then."

Claire shuts the oven and looks around for a second, hoping to find something to do. It looks as though Matt and Bill have everything covered at the moment. She kneels down by Travis. "Hey, kiddo, how are those Pokemon doing?"

"Good," he says, not even looking up from the toys. He finishes a play battle between two figures and then hands his mother one of the figurines. "You can be him."

"Oh, I can? Well, thank you." She holds the figure up as Travis imitates the characters' voices, outlining some secret plan. Claire has to chuckle at how lost she is in the world of Pokemon.

Another glance at the clock proves that she needs to turn her attention back to the food, so she hands Travis the figure and stands. "Mommy has to finish getting dinner ready. Hold that thought."

"Okay," Travis says, taking the figure back. Then he looks up at her and says, "Samantha should come play this with me."

"I know," Claire says after a moment of silence as she swallows the sudden lump in her throat.

"Why can't she come back yet?"

"Because," Claire says, still not sure what to say. "Because it's not time. She's with her other mommy, remember how I told you that? They have to have some time together." Her attention is only half on the oven as she turns it off and puts on a pair of oven mits.

Bill turns away from preparing the meal and leans over beside them. "Travis, you can go play with your cousin Victoria. I bet she wants to play." He holds out a hand for Victoria, who has been standing in the doorway, to join in.

The idea seems okay to Travis, but he still grumbles, "I want to play with Samantha."

Bill and Claire share a pained look. Neither of them has the heart to continue the line of conversation right now, so they let it fade. But it stays with both of them as they get back to preparing the meal -- the Christmas meal that Samantha won't be sharing with them.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven .

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