Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #229

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"I'm through dealing with you, Stan! Get the hell out of my face or, I swear to God, you'll regret it!"

Katherine hears her husband's voice come rumbling up from the foyer as she descends the staircase. An infuriated slam of the door follows, forceful enough to make her pause on the stairs.

After a stretch of quiet, she resumes walking. At the bottom of the staircase, she finds Nick standing by the door. His breathing is heavy and his eyes stony; underneath his silver mustache, his lips are clenched together in anger.

"What's the matter, dear?" Katherine asks, taking a first step onto the hardwood floor. She finds that her voice comes more tentatively than she would have imagined.

Seeing her there appears to startle Nick, but only momentarily. "Nothing," he replies quickly. "It's nothing."

"Who was that man?" she asks despite the building tension in her chest. "You sounded rather upset--"

"I told you, it's nothing. You don't need to worry about it."

Before Katherine can say anything else, he is gone. He walks slowly towards the kitchen, as though leaving behind his wife is simply another part of leaving behind whatever altercation just occurred with that man.

Who was that? Katherine wonders, wanting to follow him and push for more information but knowing that she will get nothing but more dead-end responses. Warnings from her son, from Brent Taylor, the memory of questioning Nick over dinner and receiving his calm reassurances -- it all comes rushing back to her now.

Tightening her grip on the letter from Andrew, she turns and makes her way back upstairs, back to the study. She reads the letter again, all hope of being able to discuss it forgotten for now.

But focusing on the words, even though they've become quite familiar to her in the last half-an-hour, is much more difficult than she would have imagined. Her head is clouded with questions and musings ... and with her own doubt.

Who was that man? she wonders again as an unexpected shiver rattles her body.


Is Katherine and Nick's marriage doomed? What does Stan have up his sleeve? Can Molly and Brent ever be happy together? Your thoughts are welcome over in the Message Forum!

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