Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #229

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His footsteps fall harder and harder on the wooden floor as they near the front door. The second ring of the doorbell makes the steps hit even more roughly, and by the time they reach the door, it's a wonder they haven't pounded their imprints into the floor.

Opening the door does nothing to ease him. "What do you want?" he asks, significantly less surprised that this meeting is occurring than he had imagined he'd be.

"Jeez, nice to see you, too, Nick," Stan says, rolling his eyes.

"I would apologize -- if you were someone actually worthy of respect."

"I see you're keeping up in the class department, huh? Look, I just wanna see Ryan. Can you get him for me?"

"He's not here," Nick snaps. There is a note of satisfaction in his voice. "So scram."

"Not so quick." Stan cuts into the doorway before Nick can close him out in the dreary autumn day. "Maybe you can answer my question."

"What question?"

"I was walking downtown the other day and I happened to see somethin' awfully interesting. Or someone, I should say -- Claire Robbins."

Something that Stan cannot discern moves over Nick, who suddenly seems a lot more troubled.

"Did you and Ry know she was here?" Stan asks. "Is there somethin' going on with the two of them -- her and Ry, I mean?"

"You'd think a real father might actually know something like that about his son, wouldn't you?"

Nick sees what he is sure is a surge of embarrassment swell in the other man's face, and Stan falls quiet. Finally he stammers, "It's just a question, okay? Answer it."

Nick sighs deeply, clearly taking as much time as possible before granting Stan the privelege of having his inquiry answered. "Yes, we did know she was here. But no, thankfully, nothing is going on between them. They see each other occasionally, but they aren't involved, or whatever you'd call it."

"There ya go. Not so hard, huh?" Stan shakes his head. "Damn, never thought the two of them would still be seein' each other after all this time. She dropped him like a hot potato back when they were kids. He was a mess."

That same confusing cloud darkens Nick's expression again. "Why do you care, Stan? Are you out to do some more damage to Ryan? Is that why you've been lurking around again?"

Again, embarrassment threatens to swallow Stan -- but in a flash, rage forces it aside. "What the hell? First Ryan, now you! What's with all the accusing? Is there somethin' I'm missing?"

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six

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