Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #229

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"Well, well, well," Brent says as he holds open the door. "Look what we have here."

"That disgusted to see me, huh?" Molly smiles broadly as she comes into the apartment.

"You got me." Brent closes the door and locks it -- taking extra care with his lightly bandaged hands. Her first instinct is to step forward and do it for him, but she knows he wouldn't want that at all.

Brent turns around and folds his arms in front of him, and for a moment silence sweeps by them. "You look great," he says finally. "You, uh, go on a shopping spree? This looks like a new ensemble you've got going there."

"But of course." Arms held out to the side, she does a turn to show off the new acquisitions. "C'mon, winter's coming. I've gotta keep up, right?"

"Well, yeah," Brent says. "I know I wouldn't want to be caught dead in something from last season." A look of mock horror seizes his face. "Can you imagine?"

"Shut up," she says with a laugh. The silence revists them briefly as the tone shifts. "You look pretty good yourself."

He holds up his hands as a sort of protest. "The gauze look is back in this winter?"

"You know what I mean. You look healthier. Having to have your hands bandaged isn't that bad, is it?"

"Considering that I could be dead, no. But ... what a pain in the ass. I really don't like having to be super-careful with everything I do."

"Is there still stuff you need help with? Just because Danielle went home doesn't mean you need to be Superman."

"I'm not being Superman," he replies curtly. "I just want to be able to do normal things without having to worry about them."

She considers what she is going to say for a long moment before actually letting it out. "What you need is a distraction. We need to think of a way to cheer you up."

"Having you here will do the trick, I'm pretty sure," he smirks. Their gazes latch onto one another and hang there, and Molly is sure that she feels that long-absent but always-remembered buzz of electricity shooting through the air.

"It would've be nice to see you a little more the last few weeks," she says abruptly. "But seeing as how I was banned from visiting you in the hospital ..."

"Yeah, what a freaking stunt that was. Just thinking about it absolutely sends me through the roof." And he's speaking the truth -- already his cheeks are growing redder.

"At least she didn't get away with it for too long. You woke up at quite the opportune time."

"Yeah, chalk one up for good luck." A temporary smile flashes across Brent's face. It fades as quickly as it came and his demeanor becomes much more serious. "Listen, there's something going on, and I want you to hear about it first."

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six

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