Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #229

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"C'mon, Nick, what the hell's the problem?" Stan barks. The weathered skin of his face tightens into angry bunches. "You 'n' Ryan've both been treating me like I did somethin' horrible. What gives?"

You raped his girlfriend! Nick's mind shouts. His boiling blood is reaching fever pitch now. You animal! he wants to scream at Stan. How can you not even remember ruining your own son's life?

Maybe he really does remember and he's merely pretending otherwise. Maybe the event has blurred together with all the rest of Stan's drunken tirades. Regardless, it takes an unbelievable amount of willpower for Nick to restrain himself from giving Stan the straight truth.

"I'm not going to get into this with you," Nick says, clinging to an uneasy calm. "Just get out of here."

Nick moves to shut the door, but Stan blocks him easily.

"Not so fast, Moriani. You can't keep me away from my own kid like this."

"I'm not keeping you away from him. I don't want to deal with you right now, and he's not here. But frankly, you don't deserve to see him. Ryan would be better off if you'd stop popping up to meddle in his life."

Nick watches the other man's hands contract into fists, but they stay down by his sides as Stan says, "Fine. Stay up there on your Father of the Year highhorse. I'm not gonna disappear just 'cuz you want me to. Don't be putting words in Ryan's mouth."

"I'm through dealing with you, Stan! Get the hell out of my face or, I swear to God, you'll regret it!" Nick slams the door closed.

On the other side, Stan raises a fist to pound on the door, but drops it before he does. He's not going to get anywhere now. He'd do better to come back at a time when Ryan is here -- that's why he came by, anyway.

"Who the hell do you think you are, Moriani?" Stan mutters as he trails back down the driveway. "You're not gonna get away with treating me like this."

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six

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