Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #227

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"What are you doing here?"

Diane's full lips curl up in a mischievous grin. "I dunno. I was just sorta hoping you'd be up for a visit."

"It's the middle of the night," Eric says, but Diane can already see his eyes tracing the contours of her body.

She wastes no time in returning the favor. The young lawyer is wearing a deep burgundy robe, the top split open just enough to reveal a sample of his smooth, tanned chest.

"I'm not interrupting anything super-important, am I?" she asks.

"I--" Diane's index finger lands softly on Eric's chest and begins traveling its way down his hard torso. "I was just relaxing," he says.

"Excellent. That's just the sorta thing I had in mind." She strolls past him, into the apartment, and slips out of her short leather jacket. She keeps walking, the heels of her boots clicking on the wood floor as she takes in the apartment.

"I love this place," she says as she turns to face him, hands resting in the back pockets of her jeans. "You have incredible taste."

She sees his dimples cracking as he smiles. "I like to think so."

She begins walking back towards him and he follows suit, shutting the door first. His slippered feet and her boots make their own music, a symphony building to its crescendo.

Their music ceases when they meet in the middle of the room.

"How did I manage to find a lawyer who would keep me so thoroughly interested?" Diane's voice oozes with wonder, with suggestiveness, and with sheer delight as her hand returns to his chest.

"And how did I stumble upon the good fortune of having such an enticing client?"

She lifts her eyebrows. "You keep saying things like that and you'll have me investigating those legal briefs of yours in no time."

"Don't get corny on me."

"Couldn't help it. I've always wanted to say that," she grins, bringing her finger up to his lips.

"I can let it slide." He kisses the tip of her finger and then it drops, allowing him to move in for her mouth.

He feels her fingers moving again and then going to work. His robe flops open as the belt falls, undone.

"Well, well, what have we here?" she smirks. "No legal briefs. Or legal boxers, for that matter. Lucky me."

Her mouth engulfs his again. The heat moves back and forth between them, but when Eric feels her slender fingers moving around under his now-opened robe, he has to pull back.

"Diane," he pants, "maybe I shouldn't let this happen again. We have a professional relationship--"

"And we need to enhance it," she says quickly, silencing him with her mouth.

His body tenses with hesitation, but she does her best to ignore it. To her delight, his reluctance fades away after a moment in a deep sigh and his body gives in to her.

She takes that as her cue to get rid of his robe entirely. And once that barrier has been broken, there's no stopping either one of them.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six

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