Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #227

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The dark room swims around Diane, different angles rolling into sight and then disappearing again as she tosses and turns in the bed. She tries pulling the soft comforter more tightly around her body, but that only seems to make it worse. Throwing the covers off has the exact same effect.

She had hoped that seeing Samantha would put her at ease, at least for the night. A few hours ago, all she wanted was to see her daughter. It was intense, desperate -- she knew she had to go see her, even if it was a little late.

But still, now, she cannot sleep. Can't even get her mind to quiet down enough so that she can feel like she's resting. She might as well be cracking away at her laptop or downstairs in the gym, because this sure as hell is not relaxing.

"Look, Diane, we can get along. When we're both with Samantha, we're fine. There's no need for us to be arguing all the time."

"You should remind yourself of that more often."

"How have you been, anyway? How are things in Los Angeles? How's Brian doing?"

"Don't try to make small talk!"

The conversation with Claire rushes through Diane's mind once again, and she rolls onto her back. That nosy bitch. What the hell does she care about how I'm doing?

She doesn't even try to answer the question. Her mind is still stuck on Claire's inquiries.

"Dammit," she mutters finally, again flinging the comforter from her body and sitting up. She flips on the small lamp on the nightstand and reaches for the phone.

She pauses over the receiver. Do I really want to do this? Her hand answers for her, picking up the phone. The other hand starts dialing the familiar set of numbers.

The first ring sticks in her ear with an unsettling realness. The silence until it repeats seems to last forever, but when the second ring comes, Diane feels her heart rate pick up. It escalates even more with the third.

But then the fourth comes ... and she hears the click indicating that the answering machine has picked up. She listens to it for just a moment, hears that voice again, before she hangs up. She doesn't leave a message, doesn't even consider doing it.

She has to hang up.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six

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