Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #227

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"Gay?" Lauren asks, suddenly wide-eyed.

Jason's world has stopped turning. He just sits there on the bed beside Lauren, paralyzed by a shock so deep that it feels as though his entire body is shutting down. He waits for Lauren to make the next move, because without some prompting he has no idea where to begin.

But she is caught up in her own reaction. The shock that washed over her tear-stained face a moment ago is now giving way to something else.

"Oh ... my ... God," she says slowly, almost inaudibly, as her hand rises to her mouth.

Suddenly Jason can take the waiting no longer. "What did Alex tell you?" he blurts out in a rush of breath.

She glances up at him, a bit startled, as if in absorbing the surprise she forgot he was there. "He said I needed to know for good that we'd never be together -- after I kissed him downstairs, he told me to come up here so we could talk ... but he didn't say ..." She sounds distant, almost dreamy, as she reviews everything that has happened tonight and in the last months from a completely new point of view.

"Did he tell you?" she asks suddenly, whipping around to face Jason. "I mean, do you know for sure?"

There is suddenly a lump blocking Jason's throat, and it takes him what feels like forever to force it out of the way. "I--Lauren, I just thought--"

"You thought or you knew?"

"I was thinking about the whole thing, and I--I figured maybe ..."

"Maybe what? Jason ..."

For the first time, Jason brings himself to look at her, to truly look at her. Her makeup is distorted and her eyes are puffy. Tears have left the mark of sadness and finality on her cheeks, trails leading nowhere but down. The insecurities that have come out so many times in neurotic fits are there, smudged all over her face, but there is something different about them now. They seem more realistic, more ... tragic.

"Lauren--" He grabs hold of her hands. "This is not your fault. This isn't even--it's not about you, not really."

"Then he is? Jason, tell me. I need to know. Is--" Suddenly she stops, mid-question. Jason follows her eyes over his shoulder, to the door, where Alex is now standing.

Jason notices the bunch of tissues in his hand. He must have gone to get those for her ... before he told her the whole story. If he was going to tell her the whole story.

"Jason," Alex says weakly as he evaluates the scene before him. "W-what's going on?"

To Jason, the room feels as though it is about to explode. He looks at Alex and then at Lauren, and then back at Alex. Where is this going?

"Alex," Lauren says suddenly, popping to her feet. A sob blurs her voice and she pauses a moment before continuing. "I need to know the truth."

"The truth?" Alex glances over at Jason, who tries to offer an apologetic look. He sees horror warping Alex's features as he realizes what has happened.

"Tell me," she says forcefully. It sounds to Jason as though she is doing everything she can to keep going and make this happen.

She focuses her gaze more strongly on Alex. "Are you gay?"

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six

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