Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #227

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At first, Sarah isn't sure where the mechanical tune is coming from. But it is not a Nokia commercial on the television, so she scans the room as the tune continues.

"Ah-ha," she says to herself as she spots her cell phone sitting on the table in the small dining area. She lifts herself from the couch, leaving Letterman behind.

Her first thought is that it must be work-related. Maybe a client just learned something that might be of use to her, or something just happened that would turn a case on its head. But when she sees the caller ID flashing on the small screen, she freezes.

"Hi," she says when she finally does answer the phone.

"Hi," Matt says back. His voice doesn't betray much, try as Sarah might to read it.

"How've you been?"


Fine. Ouch. That doesn't tell her anything at all. Or maybe it does ... Jeez, he didn't even ask how I am, she realizes as they sit in silence.

She is next to speak up. "I'm glad you called. I've been worried--wait, is something wrong? Why are you calling so late?"

"Nothing's wrong," he says coolly. He makes it sound like a fact, nothing more. It's clear that he isn't making any effort to reassure her. "I just needed to talk to you," he adds.

Sarah feels a little jump inside. "Yeah?"

"Yeah. It's something real important and I don't think it can wait."

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six

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