Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #219

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"How heroic," Nick says with a sneer, already moving to close the door in Andy's face. "Unfortunately, I'm afraid this little crusade will have to wait. I need to be getting back to bed."

Andy slams a hand against the door to hold it open. "No. I want to see my mother."


"Don't! Do you know who I saw tonight? My ex-fiancee, Danielle. The one that my mother worked so hard to keep me apart from. We talked and I realized that, even after all that, I want what's best for my mother. I want to have a good relationship with her and I want her to be safe. That's not possible as long as she's married to you."

Nick doesn't even respond to the implicit accusations. "Goodnight, Andrew."

He tries again to close the door but Andy blocks it. "I'm not--"

"You are. Get lost, kid." This time Nick succeeds and the door slams just inches from Andy's face.

"I'm not leaving!" Andy shouts. The door doesn't reopen. He can hear Nick climbing back up the stairs.

Suddenly he wonders why he can hear what's going on inside so clearly. A quick look around indicates that one of the living room windows is open several inches. The idea of going up to it and making a ruckus or trying to force his way inside crosses his mind.

He quickly decides against it. He had assumed this would be so easy -- he would storm in, no-nonsense, and take Katherine away. He hadn't taken into account that Nick really might get in the way.

He takes the first steps back to the car but freezes when he hears his mother's voice from inside the house. "What was that racket?" she asks.

"It was Andrew," Nick tells her. "I told him we were sleeping and he'd have to come back."

"What did he want? Was something the matter?"

"Nothing of any consequence," Nick says. "He was ranting and raving about rescuing you. I tell you--"

There is a heavy note of suspicion in Katherine's voice as she asks, "Why did he come here at this hour?"

"Apparently he had some eye-opening discussions," Nick answers disdainfully. "He said he ran into that Danielle--"

"What?" Katherine's outrage explodes and Andy can feel its power even from outside.

Nick repeats, "He had a run-in with that Danielle woman--"

"How? Why is she here?" she demands.

Andy can hear that Katherine is in a complete furious frenzy and it keeps him glued to his spot in the driveway.

"I thought I took care of that," he hears Katherine cry. "I arranged for her to be away from King's Bay for good!"

In the driveway, Andy stops breathing.


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