Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #219

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"I swear, if you don't take this damn thing off ..." Courtney threatens with a raised fist.

"Cool it," Jason says, wrapping his arms around her as he kicks the door shut.

"We're there, aren't we?" she asks, moving her head as if looking around, even though her eyes are again covered.

"We might be ..."

"You're enjoying this blindfold thing way too much."

He shrugs. "Enh."

When there is no action for several seconds, Courtney throws up her arms. "Wouldja just take it off already?"

"Fine, fine." He picks up the two small duffel bags that he carried up from the car and then dumped on the floor and moves them to the bed. He can see Courtney's amused frustration mounting and snickers before finally reaching up to remove the blindfold.

Courtney's eyes drink in the room, a lush suite with touches of sea-green tile, gold, and frosted glass spread throughout. To her right is a kitchenette, with food on display and ready to be eaten. An immaculately white sofa and a light oak entertainment center sit against opposite walls towards the back of the room, while a broad window on the far wall reveals the lights of nighttime King's Bay.

"Wow," she says after the initial shock begins to dim. "Jay, this is ..."

"It's cool, isn't it?" She turns around to find Jason beaming. "Actually, I had no idea what it was gonna look like except that it was supposed to have all this stuff in it and I assumed it'd be nice," he explains as he once again folds her into his embrace from behind. "This is really cool."

"Yeah, it is ... Wow. You know, I thought when you told me to pack overnight clothes that you were gonna take me camping or something."

"I thought about it," he says, toying with her hair with his index finger. "Then I remembered that I hate camping."

"Yes, that might be a problem," she laughs. They both exhale deeply at the same time and she melts back into him.

"All right," Jason says suddenly. He releases her from his arms and sends her forward with a light push. "Go and get changed."

"Okay." She makes a move for her bag but then turns back to him. Her demeanor is much more serious now. "Jason ... This is really nice, and I appreciate it. But--"

He can tell where this is going and he holds up a palm to interrupt her. "I just wanted us to be able to hang out together without any interruptions," he says. "I'm not expecting anything else to happen, okay?"

She nods and grabs her bag. Once she is inside the bathroom, Jason leans against the wall.

Suddenly he feels deflated and his energy level has plummeted several notches. "That doesn't mean I wasn't hoping for it," he whispers, staring at the closed bathroom door.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six

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