Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #219

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The yawn seems to come from somewhere deep inside. It pulls at Claire's face, yanks her mouth wide open, and clamps her eyes shut tightly. It is so powerful that she needs to stop and lean against the wall before continuing on into the living room.

"I'll take that as a sign I need some sleep," she mumbles as she walks back into the living room. Finally, sleep is an actual possibility. She spent the afternoon and evening working an excruciating shift at the hospital, and when she got in the car at the end of it, sleep was the first thing on her mind. But she had to go pick up Travis and Samantha from the Fishers' first. And then she had to chat a little, and have a bite to eat when she admitted to Paula that she hadn't eaten dinner ...

Not that the attention and the concern aren't comforting. But the whole notion of other people looking out for her well-being without any distractions or ulterior motives is still a strange one to her sometimes, and sometimes she finds it stifling. Maybe it's because she spent so much of her youth and her early adulthood fending for herself.

Whatever it is, now she can finally get some sleep. She is about to double-check that the apartment's door is locked when something catches her eye. A blinking light.

The answering machine, of course. When she hauled the kids inside, they immediately went into their pre-sleep burst of wild energy and she had to spend the better part of an hour coaxing them into going to bed. She totally forgot to check the machine.

Casually she presses the "play" button and listens to the beep. But as soon as the voice on the tape begins speaking, she tenses up.

"Hi, Claire, it's Jim Thompson," the message says. "I wanted to let you know that we've finally gotten a preliminary hearing over custody of Samantha scheduled. It'll be held ..."

She thinks to grab a pen and jot down the details on the small pad of paper kept next to the machine but the effort seems too great right now. Instead she saves the lawyer's message, not wanting to listen to it again or think about it anymore right now.

It's too late, though. The formality of a real hearing, in a courtroom with a judge, where a decision regarding Samantha could very well be made, has snaked its way into her consciousness already, and she cannot shake it.

I can't let this happen, she tells herself as fear courses through her veins. I can't lose Samantha, too.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six

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