Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #219

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In the dark, Claire tosses her body onto its side, gripping the pillow closer to her head. But she is unaware of all of this, because sleep has sucked her in ...

He's here. Right in front of me. The face that has flooded my dreams and haunted my nightmares for all these months.

Actually, it started long before New Year's Eve. It started the day that I met him. It was at a party, some event I didn't even want to go to. But a friend forced me to attend. She said there'd be a guy there who I just had to meet.

Turns out that she was wrong -- the guy turned out to be a total moron. We had a good laugh afterwards about her complete lack of solid judgment. Even though that plan didn't exactly work out, I did meet Tim that night. We were introduced very casually and the whole time I was talking to that other guy, I was searching around the party to locate Tim again. Finally we caught eyes and he came over to "rescue" me. We more or less spent the rest of the party talking.

That night I dreamed about him. It wasn't a sexual dream, even though that had definitely been on my mind that evening! We were back at the party -- somehow I knew that it was the party, even though I can't remember anyone else being in the dream and I wasn't aware of any noise besides our conversation -- and we were talking. Some of it was information that we'd gone over replaying itself in my mind and some of it was imagined. It didn't matter, though -- I could feel the attraction, even though it was just a dream. It was that strong. I woke up feeling like he should be there next to me.

The pull that I feel to him now is the same as it was that first night, in that first dream. I just need him, there's no other way to describe it. And I can have him: Here he is, standing right in front of me.

I take a step closer. Yet it doesn't seem to help -- we're still the same distance apart. I take another step. Same thing. I'm not getting any closer.

"Tim," I hear myself say.

He is looking straight into my eyes. His eyes, those blue eyes, are locked with mine. But he doesn't say anything.

"Tim," I say again.

Still no answer. I take another step, but it gets me nowhere. Desperately I lunge forward, shooting out a hand to grasp him. I touch nothing, even though I swear I moved far enough to get him.

"Tim!" The searing desperation that I feel inside is spilling out in my voice. Still, he doesn't react. "Tim!" I call again.

I rush forward but I can't get him. What is going on? Why can't I just touch him again?

"Tim!" I cry out, lunging again. This time my hand shoots right through him. I draw it back. Something must be wrong with me ...

I look up, terrified that I've removed my gaze from him even for this long. He's fading. No, no -- he can't go. Not now, not after I lost him before. Tim, no, please stay ...


He's gone.

Suddenly the dark is enveloping Claire again. Heavy breaths pound against her chest, feeling like they are going to make her lungs explode at any instant.

I'm awake, she realizes as the dark bedroom comes into focus. I'm at home. I'm not in that world ...

But that thought is of little comfort as she realizes that the dream was true: Tim is gone. She can't even bear to look at the empty side of the bed next to her.

"Tim." The name blows off her lips, desperate, hopeless, like a mournful wind scathering fallen leaves through a dreary cemetary.

He really is gone.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six

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