Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #218

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"I'm sorry," Courtney says. "I ... I can't even imagine the kind of grief you're feeling. I'm sorry you had to go through losing Tim and that you have to face life without your brother, but ... I don't know, maybe there's a reason for all of this."

When he doesn't respond, she slips out of his hold just enough to turn around and face him. Is he mad?

It quickly becomes evident that he's just thinking. "Maybe," he says finally. "It's not the easiest thing in the world to find an upside to, you know?"

"Of course." She pauses, taking in the sight of him against the rich darkness of the sky. The breeze is playing with his sandy hair and something about the moonlight is making his skin look so soft. But the heartbroken expression on his face is killing her. She only wishes there were actually something she could do it make it go away.

"I miss him," Jason says suddenly, only a little louder than a whisper. "I miss him so much."

"I know." She wraps her arms around him and pulls him tighter, hoping that somehow it will help.

"But maybe you're right. Losing Tim ... it's made me so much more grateful that I had him in my life to begin with. And that I have the people I do have."

"See?" she says, unable to hold off a tiny smile at the sight of his pain beginning to subside.

Now he looks her directly in the eyes. "You know I mean you."

Her smile grows broader. "Yeah, but you've got your mom and dad and sisters, too--"

"Yeah, of course. But you ..." He is suddenly wearing a smile that could rival the one Courtney has. "You mean so much to me, Court. More than ... God, more than I think I could even try and tell you. I don't know why it took me so many years to realize it, but it's like you--you complete me."

The severity of the declaration stuns Courtney a little, resulting in a sharp intake of breath. But she knows that it's what she has wanted to hear for so long.

"I feel the same way," she says, almost in awe that this is actually coming out of her mouth. "You and I ... You're right, it's like it can't even be described."

The moment lingers and Courtney almost feels the need to flinch or look away or something as Jason's gaze continues to burn so intensely into her own. There is something palpable between them and it's almost scary enough to make her turn away -- almost.

But it's exciting, too, maybe more exciting than anything she has ever felt, and the feeling of his hand closing over hers again sends a surge of electricity through her.

"Let's go," he says.


"Final stop of the night," he winks before practically breaking out into a sprint. She follows happily as he leads her by the hand. Sand flies up in their wake as they fly off the beach and out into the night.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six

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