Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #218

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Andy waits, mesmerized, for whatever it is Danielle has to say.

"I never really told you this at the time," she begins, obviously torn between wanting to get this out and not knowing how to express it. "Everything happened so fast ... after the wedding, when I went back to San Diego and you followed ..."

The rambling is wearing on Andy's patience. "What are you trying to say?"

"I ... I just want to thank you," she says. "I know how hard that time was for you. You have to believe it was difficult for me, too."

His lips pursed, Andy gives the slightest nod. It comes almost against his wishes: Part of him is still clinging to the belief that Danielle's actions at the end of their relationship were horribly selfish and that she had no regard for how he was hurt.

"You were willing to accept my decision," she continues, "even if it was hard. You didn't try to guilt me into staying with you or cut me down. You knew how important it was for me to pursue my career. I can't thank you enough for giving me that chance, for letting me go out and do what I had to do--what I wanted to do--without making it more difficult for me."

"There wasn't much I could do about it, was there?" Andy shrugs. Danielle isn't sure if it's resignation or sarcasm that she hears tinging the statement.

Andy's next words clear up the confusion for her. "Trying to hang onto you or making the situation worse wasn't going to bring back what I wanted to have between us. It was difficult to let go, but in the long run it would have been harder to be stuck in an unhappy situation."

She breathes a tiny sigh of relief, clutching her hands together in front of her. "I'm glad to hear you say that."

"I'm glad to hear myself say it, too. Danielle, I want to thank you, too."

"For what?"

"For opening up the world to me," he says. "For helping me be my own man. Without you, I might still be stuck in that mansion with my mother!" The thought that the mansion no longer exists flickers across his mind and somewhere inside of him, a deep string of sadness is plucked. He tries to focus elsewhere right now.

Clearly Danielle doesn't know how to respond, but her expression tells Andy that she accepts his gratitude.

"So how are things?" she asks, the curiosity that has been creeping in the back of her head suddenly springing to the fore.

"Good," he answers quickly, as if giving any other answer would be possible. "I'm doing well."

"That's good to hear." A slight hesitation, and then: "How about your mother?"

"Difficult, as usual." They share a momentary acknowledgement of their history with Katherine, like some sort of inside joke. "She's remarried."

"Oh really?"

"Yes ... although if you ask me, it's more of a fiasco than a marriage."

"I'm sorry to hear that. It would be good for her to find some real happiness."

"That's the problem," Andy says. "She's trying to convince everyone, including herself, that she is happy. But this marriage--there are problems."

"That's too bad." Danielle hesitates again but curiosity again gets the better of her. "How are you and she getting along?"

Now it is Andy's turn to be at a loss. "I'm not sure," he confesses. "Things were getting better, but then she agreed to marry this man and it's all gone downhill. I'm trying to convince her that this marriage is not in her best interests, but she's won't listen to me -- or she won't admit that she's listening."

A very genuine grin toys with the corners of Danielle's lips. "You amaze me."


"After all your mother put us through, after all she did to you -- you're still willing to patch things up with her and try to help her. That's admirable."

He can't quite agree, but he does say, "I do care about her. She's my mother."

"Well, whether she realizes it or not, she's very lucky to have you as a son."

"Thanks." The temptation to stay and talk with Danielle is strong, but something inside of Andy knows that they have said everything that needs to be said. And a new sense of urgency has come over him.

"Can you do me a favor?"

"Sure," she says, looking a bit surprised.

"Tell Brent that I came by. I, uh, there's something I need to go do."

"All right." Danielle gives a small wave. "It was good to see you."

Andy is already hurrying back to the elevator. "It was good to see you, too."

He steps into the elevator and disappears from sight. Danielle remains in place, her arms folded in front of her. What was that all about? she wonders.

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