Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #216

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The angry declaration sends a shiver through Sarah. She freezes, and for once Matt is certain that he has her attention.

"This is getting out of hand," he says, trying not to keep his voice a few notches below yelling. "It's one thing to be mad or jealous or any of those things. But when you start pulling stuff like this and saying that you're gonna get Molly -- it's gone too far."

Sarah is silent. It looks to Matt as though he has made his point ... until Sarah speaks. She holds up her chin and keeps her face steely. "I'm just trying to make my marriage work."

"When you wanna make a marriage work, you go to counseling! You don't throw fits and keep your husband away from his friends!" Matt blasts, his restraint falling away quickly.

"I am not keeping him away from his friends. I'm keeping him away from the woman who broke up our marriage. Or at least I tried to. Even that didn't work!"

"It didn't work because it's not the solution! You could ship Molly off to Timbuktu and you wouldn't solve a damn thing!"

"Don't give me any ideas," Sarah says dryly. "You don't understand what's going on here, Matt. She set out to steal Brent from me. She wanted to ruin things between us because she's miserable and she's been such a loser with guys these last few years. If I could just get him away from her--"

"Stop it!" Matt shouts. "Cut it out! I don't wanna hear this anymore. You are scaring me, Sarah!"

"You're scaring me!" she fires back. "What the hell kind of friend are you, anyway, trying to make me give up something I want--something I need--this badly?"

Matt shoves his way past her and grabs the doorknob. "I can't even talk to you right now. You're cracked, Sarah. This is insane."

He yanks the door open roughly and shoots through it before Sarah can respond. The door slams behind him.

Sarah's instinct is to chase after him, but she can't. Not now.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven

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