Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #216

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"Admit it," Sarah spits. "You want to be with her."

"I--" Brent's throat is so dry that the words and ideas leaping off his brain are unable to make it out of his mouth. He casts a glance behind him at Molly, her dark brown hair swaying gently in the soft breeze that has surrounded them.

"It's not like you're doing a good job of pretending otherwise! Just admit that you want her!" Sarah moves closer to Brent, each ominous step thundering in his ears.

"Sarah, we--it's not--"

But Sarah's icy glare silences him. She is close to him now, so close that he can feel every angry breath on his face.

"You can have her!" Sarah shouts. Her voice echoes so loudly that Brent finds his ears stinging. Each subsequent word becomes more painful. "As far as I'm concerned, the two of you are meant for each other! She's a terrible sister and you're a terrible husband, abandoning me to go off with my sister!"

Despite the voice of common sense inside that tells him not to do it, Brent again glances over his shoulder. He is stunned to find Molly fading.

"Molly!" he gasps as her image grows dimmer and dimmer.

"That's too bad. Too bad!" he can hear Sarah practically screaming in his ear. He turns back to her just in time for her to spew a delighted cackle in his face.

The hospital room begins to come into focus. Thank God, Brent thinks as he realizes that he has escaped the realm of nightmares.

His breathing is heavy now. It's no surprise, considering how vivid that dream was. He can still hear Sarah's angry voice pulsing in his ears, can still feel the desperation aching inside as he watched Molly fade from view.

The nightmare is still swirling around him when he suddenly becomes aware that he is not alone in the room. He jerks his head to the side but finds no one standing by the bed.

His gaze continues to roam over the room and soon finds what it is looking for. He narrows his eyes at the woman, almost disbelieving, as if to ask, "What are you doing here?"

"Hi," she says. Her enthusiasm is bubbling not too far below the surface as she raises a hand to greet him. "I've been dying to see you."

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven

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