Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #216

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Jason does feel strangely like a teenager on a first date as waits for the door to be answered. This isn't the type of date to which he's accustomed, especially with Courtney ... but that's the point. Tonight is supposed to be special.

The door flies open and he can practically feel the excitement leaping out at him from the house. Judging by the beaming faces of Helen and Don, Courtney has been hyping this night ever since Jason sprung the idea on her.

Of course, she doesn't really know what's coming ...

He grins to himself as he greets Don and Helen. "Hello there."

"Hi, Jason," Helen says happily, motioning for him to come inside. "Courtney is upstairs. She'll have herself together in a few minutes."

"Wonderful," Jason says. "So how are you two doing tonight?"

"Are you trying to suck up?" Don laughs, tossing an arm over Jason's shoulder.

"Me? Never."

Helen marches over to the foot of the stairs. "Courtney!" There is no answer. "Courtney, Jason's here!"

When there is still no indication that Courtney has any idea that Jason has arrived, Helen begins to ascend the stairs. "I'll go get her," she announces as she disappears upstairs.

"So Jason," Don says, clasping his hands together, "what kind of mischief will the two of you be getting up to tonight?"

"I dunno," Jason shrugs. "I was thinking we'd start out by toilet-papering some houses, then maybe steal some dinner from a McDonald's ... I was hoping maybe we could fit in a drag race or two, y'know."

Don pats him roughly on the back. "You do that. Go right ahead ... I'll even try to fake a couple of tears at your funeral so no one gets suspicious."

"Gee, thanks."

The two men share a laugh and then Don asks, "Really, what do you have planned for tonight?"

"I'm afraid that's top-secret information."

"I can keep a secret, I promise you."

"No can do," Jason says with a shake of the head. "But I promise that the whole point of this is to make Courtney happy."

"Good. You know that's all I care about."

Jason nods. Just then Courtney appears on the landing of the staircase, with Helen behind her.

"Wow," Jason says as Courtney descends the stairs. Her dark hair is pulled up, with soft curls held up on the back of her head and two thin, wavy pieces hanging on the sides of her face. An ankle-length, baby blue dress, delicately beaded on the top with tiny silver crystals, compliments her tanned skin perfectly, as far as Jason can tell.

He finds that he has been holding his breath and releases it as she reaches the bottom of the stairs. "You look wonderful," he says as he takes her hand in his.

"You don't clean up so bad yourself," she grins.

"What a charmer I've got here," he says to Don and Helen, pointing at Courtney. "Anyway, we'd better get going. We've got--we have someplace to be."

Courtney pauses, flashing him a curious look. "And that someplace would be?"

"You'll find out soon enough. C'mon, let's go."

Don and Helen usher to the door and outside, amidst a flurry of goodbyes and excitement. The young couple slips into Jason's car and heads off as the pink summer sunset hangs overhead.

"She's so lucky," Helen says with a contented sigh.

Don nods. "They both are."

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