Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #216

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A surge of excitement rushes through Brent's body as his sister rises from the chair in the corner and comes quickly over to his bedside.

She takes his hand, starting to grip it firmly before she becomes conscious of the bandages covering it. "Thank God you're okay. I am so relieved."

"Yeah, I'm pretty happy about it myself," Brent says. He grins up at her, even though the gesture pulls at the burned skin on his face and rings a few alarms of pain.

"So how do you feel?" Danielle asks.

"Not half bad. From what I hear, I managed to do a pretty big number on myself, so not too bad at all."

"Good. I was so worried." She pauses to breathe a sigh of relief. "Dad and Josh -- they wanted to come up and see you, too, but there was a lot going on with the paper and they couldn't really get away."

"Did they call you to tell you I was awake?"

"Someone did," Danielle smiles. "Someone who cares about you very much."

The comment registers with a reverberating warmth inside of Brent. "So the tour's all over, right?" he asks. "You're back in San Diego?"

"For now, yeah. It's a little bit weird not having to work or anything."

"Well, what about the follow-up to your big smash of a debut album, Ms. Superstar?"

"It's coming along," she says. "I'm writing and we've done a little messing around with the band and some vocals. I'm still coming down off of this tour, though. It's absolutely exhausting, even moreso now that it's all over!"

"I bet. So are you ..." The developing question fades into oblivion on Brent's lips. Danielle turns around to see what has captivated Brent.

She sees Molly standing in the doorway.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven

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