Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #199

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Ryan, caught somewhere between shock and annoyance, stares at Nick. "What do you mean, I can't do that?"

"You can't just drop out of this and go legit," Nick says, as if it the most obvious thing in the world. "Cutting ties is a lot harder than you think."

"But it's possible. Besides, all my ties are through you. If you're still in the business, no one's going to care what the hell I'm doing."

"That's not necessarily true, Ryan."

"But it probably is."

After a short silence, Nick adds, "It also wouldn't be nearly as lucrative."

"Ah, yes, because we're currently enjoying such a comfortable financial situation."

Nick ignores the jab. "You'd have to work your way up that ridiculous corporate ladder ... play by the rules ... you'd go insane."

Ryan's shoulders slump. "Maybe. But--I don't know if I'm cut out to be a part of this business, either. You've always talked about me taking over when ..."

"When I'm gone," Nick finishes.

"Yeah. Do you really think I'm capable of that? Because I have serious doubts."

Nick studies the younger man, the person he has known as his son for so long. All he sees in Ryan is confusion, upheaval, and anxiety. That old certainty -- the self-assuredness that drove Ryan to come to King's Bay in pursuit of Claire in the first place -- is buried deep beneath the surface.

"Is this another Claire Robbins-induced mood swing?" Nick asks.

"No." Ryan shakes his head. "This is a me-induced thing."

"I don't believe that," Nick says after another moment of consideration. "Maybe you believe it, but I can't. This isn't happening because of you, Ryan. It's because of Claire. Ever since she's been back in your life, it's like you've gone haywire."

Ryan hesitates before saying, "Well, I'm sorry if I let emotions get in the way every now and then."

Nick hesitates a little more before asking, "What happened in that cellar on New Year's Eve? I could tell something had happened when I found you in there, but you tried to pretend it hadn't."

Ryan's first instinct is to insist it was nothing, but yesterday's encounter with Stan comes rushing back to the front of his mind. "I told her," he blurts out.

Nick looks puzzled. He pats his moustache, thinking, and then says, "About Stan?"

"Yeah. I just snapped ... All of a sudden, I didn't want to keep it in anymore."

"Good," Nick says firmly. "He didn't deserve your protection. And you don't deserve to have to deal with this just to save his hide."

"I did need to get it out. But I think the damage is done. Claire wasn't exactly receptive to the news, as I'm sure you could see."

"She was stunned. It's only understandable."

"Even so ... I let a couple of weeks go by and then I went to see her again. All I wanted to do was tell her I was sorry to hear about Tim. But she wouldn't even be civil with me. She kicked me out of the apartment."

Nick sighs. "Then maybe you need to let this go. You've been chasing after her for too long."

"I've never felt this way about anyone, Dad. And for it to last this many years -- I don't exactly think this is some passing infatuation. I love her."

"Maybe--maybe not. Ryan, you don't think logically when it comes to this woman. It's time to figure out what you want, and if you can even have it."

Ryan doesn't say anything.

"I know this may not be something you want to face," Nick says. "Claire is an important part of your life -- at least, she's come to stand for something important in your mind. But this isn't good for you."

"So what the hell am I supposed to do?" Ryan snaps suddenly.

"Resolve this," Nick says. "Either give up on Claire or go after her for real."


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