Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #199

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"So what happened on New Year's, anyway?" Brent asks. "I never did get the full story from you. You mentioned that you left the pier and there was a big mess that kept you from stopping the wedding ..."

"'Mess' is definitely a good way to put it," Andy says. "Although ... it could have been a lot worse. For what it was, it wasn't too bad at all."

Brent munches away at a few more fries. "What happened?"

"I was on my way to the house and I wasn't paying enough attention to my driving. So I ended up ramming into another car, which put mine out of commission."

"You got in a car accident?"

"Uh-huh. Luckily, the only damage done was to my car, and I suppose there have been bigger tragedies."

Brent finishes off another bite of his burger. "So you didn't actually make it to the wedding, then?"

"No, I did. Just in time to hear my mother and Nick pronounced husband and wife," Andy says, his discomfort apparent as he relives the moment.

"Wow." Brent raises his eyebrows. "How did you manage to get there?"

"Actually, the woman whose car I hit -- Maggie -- gave me a ride."

"Really? How's that for irony?"

"I know. What's funny is that the first couple of things we said to one another were pretty snappish. I never expected she would have offered to drive me there."

Brent shrugs. "Sometimes you get lucky."

"Absolutely." Andy pauses a moment as his mind wanders back to New Year's Eve yet again. Then he launches back into his speech as if there were no lull. "It's strange how things like that happen at the most unexpected moments. I never would have imagined--" Suddenly he cuts himself off.

"What?" When Andy merely glances down, Brent asks again, "What is it?"

"Nothing," Andy says quietly, the fervor of just a few seconds ago suddenly vanished.

Brent considers his friend's odd behavior for a moment. A knowing look suddenly lights up his face. "Oh, wait, Andy -- do you mean ... something happened with this woman?"

Andy seems to ponder his answer before saying, "No. Nothing happened." But it is clear that he is holding something back.

"Then why did you just clam up all of a sudden?"

Andy's response stutters out. "What? I--It's not that anything happened--"

"It's okay," Brent assures him. "We're friends. You don't have to censor things around me just because of Danielle."

"Are you sure? I know it must be awkward for you -- it is for me."

"It's not the easiest situation, but hey, things happen. And it's not like you did something terrible to hurt my sister. Relationships don't always work out."

Andy nods in agreement. "Thanks, Brent."

"Like I said, we're friends. So what happened with you and this ..."

"Maggie. And nothing happened. We spent the rest of the night together. We went out to eat, went for a walk, talked. She was a big help to me after I had to watch my mother marry Nick."

"That's great. So have you seen her again?"

"That's the thing," Andy says. "She's from Seattle. She was only here on business."

"Seattle's not that far."

"I know." Andy begins nodding again. "I know," he repeats. "But we'll see what happens -- if anything."

"Well, good luck."

"Thanks." Andy pauses to work on his dinner for a few seconds and then says, "And I think that's enough about me. How are things with you?"

"Things are ... fine."

"Oh, really?" Andy leans in a little bit closer. "So does that mean things are better with you and Sarah?"

He can tell what the answer is going to be before Brent even says a word.

"I'm sorry," Andy says before Brent has to answer. "I shouldn't be prying."

"No, don't worry about it," Brent answers quickly. "Not a big deal. Just suffice it to say that things are not on the upswing."

Andy lets the appropriate moment of silence pass. Finally he says, "I haven't seen much of Sarah lately. I spoke to her a little at the memorial service, but that was it."

"That's about been the extent of my contact with her lately, too ... although I get the feeling that things are about to get a lot messier."

There is visible hesitation on Andy's part before he asks, "Why's that?"

"Because," Brent says, dropping his head back and exhaling heavily, "Sarah should be receiving notice of our divorce any day now."

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four

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