Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #199

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Ryan reaches up and curls his fingers around the door knocker, pausing a moment to examine the finely formed brass piece. But before he can bring his hand back down to knock on the door, it bursts open.

"Nice timing," Ryan says to Nick.

"I saw you coming up the driveway," Nick explains.

"You just happened to be staring out the window?"

"I've been watching all day." When Ryan flashes him a curious glance, Nick adds, "Come inside."

He closes the door and locks it up as quickly as he can.

Nick's nervousness is not lost on Ryan. "What's going on?" the younger Moriani asks.

"I'd feel a lot better if I knew," Nick says. He leads Ryan into the living room and takes a seat in an antique chair, which allows him a view out into the driveway. He gestures for Ryan to be seated as well.

"I went to the bank this morning," Nick explains. "It turns out that Katherine hasn't authorized my access to her accounts yet -- so I called Esposito and tried to explain."

"I gather that didn't go over well."

"Unfortunately, no." Nick sighs and continues staring out the window. "He said to expect some 'surprises.' I'm waiting for Katherine to get home so I can have her take care of this and I can get him the money. Maybe if I get it to him quickly, he'll forget about pulling anything."

"I hope so." Ryan pops up out of his chair. "I don't like this."

"I'm not exactly enjoying it, either."

"Yeah, but -- this is your thing. You know this business, you're used to dealing with situations like this ... I'm not comfortable with it at all. I've never been caught in something like this before."

"There were plenty of times that things like this happened when you were younger, Ryan." Nick rises from his seat as well. "You weren't aware of it, but it was the same thing. And it always worked out."

"Ignorance is bliss, right?" Ryan turns his back to his father. "I know I'm not running this operation or anything, but ... I'm uncomfortable even being as involved as I am. I worry too much."

"You just have to learn to deal with this sort of thing. You'll be fine--"

Ryan cuts him off. "What if I'm not? What if I'm not cut out to do this? I'm pretty old to be playing lackey to my father, aren't I?"

"Stop being so melodramatic, Ryan."

"I'm not being melodramatic. I just think that maybe ... maybe it would be better if I got out of this and went legit."

Nick's eyes, which have begun to wander around the room in thought, snap back to his son sharply. "You can't do that."

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four

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