Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #199

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"It still shocks me," Brent says as he sticks a French fry into his mouth.

"Me, too," Andy agrees. "To think that Tim is really gone ... It's strange."

Brent leans against the back of the booth and glances around the bar and grill. The dinner hour has brought in a sizable crowd; there isn't an empty table in sight, as far as he can tell. Even if he weren't looking, he could tell how busy it were -- there is a steady buzz of voices and music hovering just underneath his and Andy's conversation.

"I remember when I started dating Sarah," Brent says, "Tim got shot and wound up in a coma. We all knew it was a reality that he could die, but ... no one was ready for it. It just seemed like he should recover, and he did. So for him to die this way, with no warning at all, was that much more of a shock."

"I can imagine." Andy sits back as well, folding his hands in front of his stomach. "It never should have happened. Tim shouldn't have been alone at that pier."

"No one expected it would go down like that, Andy."

"Of course not. But I was supposed to be there with him. He didn't even want to be a part of it -- he only went to keep Claire from putting herself in danger. So I can't help ... I can't help feeling like I'm to blame for what happened."

Brent quietly allows the comment to sink in. After the pause, he hurriedly says, "Don't. This isn't your fault."

"If I'd stayed with Tim--"

"Then maybe the both of you would've gotten killed. Who knows?" Brent goes in for another French fry and when it has disappeared into his mouth, he continues, "Besides, the Morianis are really the ones at fault here."

Andy simply raises his drink to his lips for a long sip.

"They're the reason your mother was shot, don't forget that," Brent says. "And it was because of them that anyone, Tim included, had to be at that pier."

"I suppose so."

Brent shakes his head, his face clouded by thoughts. "I would still love to lock those bastards up."

Andy sighs. "I think we're definitely in agreement on that."

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four

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