Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #189

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Ryan's voice brings Claire back to reality, and a wave of anger surges through her. She shoves Ryan away from her forcefully. "Stop punishing you for this? Has it even occurred to you that I'm the one who's still suffering? Not only do I have to live with those memories for the rest of my life, but then you show up in King's Bay wanting to be friends again and I'm forced to relive the whole thing even more than I already do!"

"You're the one who's been chasing after me," he spits. "For weeks you've been hunting around, sniffing for clues--"

"Only because I want to get you out of my life, this time for good! Don't you even try to turn this around on me!"

"I don't have to. 'Cause it's true, Claire, you know it as well as I do. There's something inside of you that just won't let you stay away from me."

The words tear through Claire's insides, but she remains focused on that crazed twinkle in his eye. He's close to the edge, that much is clear to her.

"I just want this to be over with!" she shouts, shoving him again with all her might. "I want to forget about you and I want to forget about everything that happened--"

"I think it's a little late for that, don't you?" he fires back.

"If it is, it's your fault!"

"That is such bull! You have become so obsessed with this little witchhunt that you can't even recognize the truth anymore!"

"Oh, that's rich -- you lecturing me about truth."

She can tell that she has struck a nerve. Unable to respond, Ryan grits his teeth. Tension seems to be building inside of his head and finally, when it becomes almost unbearable, he clutches his head between his hands.

"Shut up!" he screams.

Claire is silent. The display is unsettling, a reminder of how volatile he can be, and her mind again flips to the terrifying scene that played out so many years ago in a Chicago living room.

"This is all his fault!" Ryan wails angrily. He turns his back to her and covers his face with his hands. "He did this! He screwed everything up so badly!" His body is shaking, she can see.

"What? Who?" she asks in frantic confusion, trying to sort out what is happening. She is certain that she heard his voice being broken up by tears, and her hunch is confirmed when he swings back around.

His face is streaked with the trails of fallen tears. "Do you really not remember? Don't you get it? It was him, it wasn't me!"


"I didn't rape you!"

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven . Eight

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