Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #189

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I can't believe I actually made it here, Andy marvels as he rushes inside the mansion and through its halls. The walls and the floors seem to stretch on endlessly, holding him back from his destination, and it feels as though it takes him an eternity to reach the ballroom.

When he finally does, he hurries through the open French doors. Already he can hear the minister's voice, but for some reason, it doesn't register in his mind that the ceremony is at this point. He continues and pushes his way through the curtains that separate the reception area from the space that is being used for the ceremony.

"By the power vested in me," the minister says ...

Andy shoves the curtains apart, almost getting tangled in them, and freezes at the end of the aisle. Katherine and Nick are standing up front, their backs to him, as the minister finishes that awful sentence. And for some reason, he cannot move.

"... I now pronounce you husband and wife."

The pocket of air that has lodged itself in Andy's chest releases. "No!" he cries out. He can feel the assembly turning to stare at him, but he knows that it is too late. It's over.

And from her place at the head of the room, Katherine shoots Andy the coldest look that he has ever seen her give.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven . Eight

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