Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #189

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"Ten ... nine ..."

Bill looks down at Paula's beaming face. He reaches out and takes her hand in his. They've counted down to the New Year so many times together, but every time it seems to be a special occasion, a moment to be remembered. Looking at his wife, holding onto her hand, Bill feels that spark that he knows has kept them together for so long, despite everything else.

"Eight ... seven ..."

Jason observes the affection between his parents. He wraps his arm more tightly around Courtney's shoulders, pulling her body closer to his as they count down to 2001.

"Six ... five ..."

Next to Courtney and Jason are Alex and Lauren. Though they are standing separately, their stolen glances at each other connect them. Their eyes meet and, as they count, the gaze holds.

"Four ... three ..."

Sarah holds onto Brent's arm. She looks up at him. This is it, she thinks. Brent is here with her and they're going to ring in the New Year together, ready to put behind the pain of the past year and embrace a new beginning.

"Two ... one ... Happy New Year!"

The partygoers erupt in celebratory cheers. Bill and Paula come together in a loving kiss. Jason leans in to Courtney and presses his lips to hers. He can feel her smiling even as they kiss.

Alex swallows hard. As the crowd around here falls into kisses and embraces, he places a hand on Lauren's cheek. This is it -- this is what he wants. It can be like this.

She doesn't fight it. Their faces draw together and, after a frozen moment of chills, their lips meet.

Sarah waits for the moment, tries to make it last. She has been praying for this for so long. Her eyes are fixed upon Brent's and his upon hers. Their heads move closer to one another, a scene so familiar to Sarah and yet so far off these past few months. Just like it used to be, she thinks as they meet ...

She feels only the brushing of Brent's lips against hers. In an instant, the gap has been widened. He is standing upright, looking at her with a very different expression than he was just a moment ago -- at least, as far as she can remember.

She notices that his lower lip is trembling. "I can't do this," he says.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven . Eight

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