Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #189

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The screeching and crackling of metal is still fresh in Andy's ears. He sits up straight and tries to breathe, but his organs feel as though they are jumping against the inside of his chest and then ricocheting against his back. He remains still, unmoving except for the trembling in his hands, his legs, and just about every other part of his body.

I'm alive. The thought comes at him out of nowhere. He hadn't even considered the fact that he might somehow be dead. The whole thing just happened too quickly for that. But now a wave of relief floods his body as he realizes that he is alive and, from what he can tell, okay -- unlike the car, the front end of which has crumpled up before him.

The next realization that hits him is that the car is still running, strangely enough. He can hear it groaning and wheezing, alternately. Immediately he puts it into reverse and pulls away from the other car, wanting to untangle the mess even just a little bit. When he is a safe distance away, he puts the car into drive and moves forward again, but to the side. The car sputters as it settles on the side of the road, and before Andy can put it into park or remove the key from the ignition, it dies.

During the moving of the car, the idea that has been dominating his thoughts is that of the other driver and the other car. Who did he hit? What kind of damage has he caused? He notices, with a certain degree of shock, that the damage he caused to the other vehicle, an SUV, is minimal -- a little bit of denting on the rear end, but that's it. The SUV moves with ease to the side of the road, in front of his car.

He watches as a woman emerges from the driver's side. The first thing he notices is how attractive she is, peculiarly enough. She appears to be in her early thirties, with dark hair, almost black, its tips reaching for her shoulders. Andy pulls the release on the door and he hears it pop open, but he remains in his seat. The woman approaches the driver's side of his car, but still he does not move. He does not want to face this, not now ...

But she is there and he has to. He opens the door and slides out of the car, studying the damage as he does so -- perhaps so he will not have to look this woman in the face.

"I-I'm so sorry," he says finally, bringing his eyes up to hers, if only for a moment. "I wasn't paying enough attention--Are you okay? Do we need to call anyone?"

"I'm fine," she says, her tone impatient. "Look, can we just trade information and get out of here? This isn't something I want to be dealing with right now."

"Oh, uh, sure." Andy ducks back into his car and emerges a moment later with a pen, a slip of paper, and his insurance information. He quickly scribbles down the necessary information and hands it to her. As she writes down hers, Andy slips back into his car and tries the key in the ignition. No response. Muttering, he reaches for his cellular phone.

"Got an important call to make?" the woman asks, the element of sarcasm in her voice quite pointed.

"I need to find a ride," Andy explains.

"I take it you were headed somewhere important."

"Very." He scrolls through his list of numbers for Claire's cell phone and dials it. The call goes through, but the only response he receives is endless ringing.

The woman observes him as he listens and sees his hope fade to annoyance. He punches in another number -- Tim's -- but the voicemail answers.

"Here's my info," the woman says, handing it to Andy as he tosses the phone onto the passenger seat of his car.

"All right," he says. "Look, I'm really very sorry about this. I was overinvolved in my thinking and I was rushing to get somewhere ..."

"Big New Year's Eve party?"

"Not quite." He picks up the phone and begins dialing directory assistance. "My mother is getting married in a few minutes."

"Oh, wow." The woman's tone softens. "Well, um, can I give you a lift?"

He is clearly taken by surprise. "What?"

"I can drive you where you need to go, if it's not too far out in the boonies or anything. By the time you wait for a cab, you'll miss the wedding."

"I couldn't--"

"It's no trouble," she insists.

Andy nods his head after a thoughtful pause. "Deal."

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven . Eight

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