Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #188

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Andy's car plows through the darkness, mowing down each inch and each foot of night air as he surges forward. He looks at the clock on the dashboard and presses the accelerator a little bit harder.

Something strange is going on, he thinks. Nick must have known we were going to be at the pier -- that must be why he didn't show. And with us distracted ... he's free to marry my mother.

The numbers on the digital clock advance, wiping away another minute. Andy's heartbeat feels as though it is quickening with every passing second.

"I can't let Mother marry him," he says, as if hearing the words aloud will somehow make the resolution easier to achieve.

He guns the gas even harder and the car roars, seeming to match the accelerating pool of thoughts in his head. How did everything become so horrible? he wonders. It wasn't that long ago that Mother and I were getting along so well -- before Danielle and Nick came along.

The thought of Danielle, of his mother's haughty attitude and her apparent belief that she could control Andy's life, unconsciously makes him ease off the accelerator a bit. But then he thinks of his mother in the hospital, unconscious -- all because of Nick, probably. The pressure hits the gas again.

"I need to stop her from doing this," he mutters. "I need to--"

He goes silent as he sees the taillights in front of him, hurrying up to meet his face, it seems. He slams on the brakes, but even in that instant, he knows it is too late.

His body seems to go numb as the car's wild movements take over.


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