Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #188

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The moon's glow fills the surface of King's Bay, slinking over the water like melting butter. It mingles with more intrusive reflections, those of the lights from the buildings that surround the bay. The sheer amount of lights make it quite clear that the city is alive and hopping for New Year's Eve.

Surprisingly little of this light is spilling over onto the pier. It sits shrouded in the night's darkness, shadows flung carelessly here and there. And even though the rest of King's Bay seems to be very much alive, the pier feels somehow removed from all that.

Tim cannot help being careful about how heavily he puts his feet down, although he is well aware that caution is probably in his best interests. He does not even realize how tightly he is holding his breath until he is able to stop creeping and take cover beside a wall and behind a number of barrels.

He turns back to Andy. "Are you starting to get nervous?" he asks, his voice hushed.

"I have been since I left to meet you," Andy answers. "This feels like something out of a movie, doesn't it?"

"Yeah ... although I've been in some pretty bizarre situations, I must say. Sometimes I think my whole life feels like a movie."

"I don't think that's a good thing."

"Probably not."

The men duck behind the barrels, crouching more than enough to be sure that they cannot be seen from the pier itself. Tim immediately notes how uncomfortable the position is, and he cannot help but wonder how he can hold such a pose for however long this is going to take.

He doesn't have much time to worry about it. He and Andy both watch as two men, dressed in what appear to be fine suits, stroll out onto the pier. Neither is doing anything particularly threatening, yet they somehow manage to appear quite menacing.

The men stand together for a few seconds before one begins pacing. Each of them casts a few casual glances around and then at his watch. This seems to Tim to go on forever, though he is too wary of being discovered to risk even a look at his watch.

Finally the one who is pacing stops beside the other. "Where is this guy?" he wonders.

"I hope he's not tryin' to stand us up," says the other. "'Cuz that would not be the smartest move."

The first man shakes his head disapprovingly. "I hope -- for his sake -- he decides to show up," he says after a long pause.

Andy shoots Tim a confused look. Tim replies with a mini-shrug, too nervous to express fully all the questions that are darting around in his head right now.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven

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