Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #188

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Meanwhile, across the room, Jason is watching his girlfriend dance. The urge to join her is strong, but he knows that there is a more serious matter at hand.

"I know it's stupid," Molly is saying, "but I guess I was hoping, in this kind of dreamy way, that Brent would have come to the party with me."

"It's not stupid, Molly," Jason says. "When you've got feelings like that for someone, of course you're gonna wish that you could be at something like this with them, especially if it's New Year's Eve."

"Yeah ..." Molly reaches up to brush back her hair, an instinctive move to fill the space in which her thoughts overwhelm her ability to speak, but she realizes that she cannot move her hair, which is swept up tonight. "But I mean, I know it's not possible. We just don't have that kind of relationship. And to push the boundaries by spending tonight together wouldn't have been a good idea." She sighs. "It's just hard trying to block out all these ideas."

"I can imagine."

"Especially because it's been going on for so long ... It's like it's some kind of pattern or routine now. I can't not think about Brent, or want him to be here with me."

"Do you think maybe it's more that than genuine feelings?" Jason asks, darting his eyes around to be sure that their conversation is private. "That you've gotten so used to putting Brent in that position in your mind that it just happens automatically?"

"That's the worst part," Molly says, shaking her head. "If it were just part of some bizarre pattern I'd gotten into, it wouldn't be so real -- maybe it wouldn't be so painful. But I keep trying to discredit these feelings in my mind, and ... all I can come up with is that they are real."

Jason sighs heavily. "I don't know what to tell you, Mol. I know you realize that this isn't ever gonna go anywhere -- it can't."

"I do realize that. As much as I don't want to. But what's even worse is that I feel like it taints our friendship, like by having these feelings, I make the friendship less meaningful. And I hate that feeling." She stares off across the room, focusing on nothing in particular.

Catching the wistful glaze that has fallen over her eyes, Jason puts an arm around her shoulders. "I know how rough this is on you. But I want you to know how much I respect you for handling it the way you are. It must be hard seeing Sarah put him through all of this ... and I know you've been tempted to just let loose on her. But you're doing the right thing by trying to stay out of it."

She leans her head on his shoulder. "And I still wonder if I'm too involved ..."

Jason is in the midst of formulating a response when he catches sight of the doorway. He considers turning Molly the other way, but he knows that her eyes are also scanning the room and he can feel her body tense against his when she sees what he has seen.

They watch in silence as Sarah and Brent enter the party arm-in-arm.

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One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven

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