Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #188

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"What do you think you're doing?" Claire shouts. "Let me go!"

Ryan shakes his head and shoots her a sly grin. "Not yet, my dear. You're going to have to wait here a little while."

She jerks her wrists as far apart as the cuffs will allow. "Damn you! Let me out!"

"No." Ryan hoists himself back up the steps to the open entrance. "I know what you were trying to do tonight."

Her throat instantly dries up. She swallows, the muscle movements suddenly rough and uncomfortable.

"I saw you lurking around yesterday," he explains. "It wasn't until earlier today that I figured out you must have overheard my father planning that meeting. So I made sure he skipped it."

Claire doesn't say anything. Ryan studies her for a long moment.

"You lose," he finally says, pulling himself halfway up through the exit.

"Damn you!" she cries again, tugging at the cuffs and trying to kick her feet. "You can't do this to me!" She tries hopping closer to where Ryan is, but she makes it only a few steps before losing her balance.

She tumbles over and reaches for the stairs to catch herself. Her hand instead snags Ryan's leg and he is pulled downward as well. As he falls, his hand snags the open door.

He and Claire fall to the floor in a heap. He quickly moves off of her, aware even at this moment of the discomfort of the situation.

"Let me out of here!" Claire shouts again, struggling to her feet.

"Not yet," he says. He pulls himself up, adding, "You don't need to be causing any trouble tonight."

She again lunges for the exit, but this time she catches herself on the stairs.

Ryan's heart begins beating harder and faster. He scrambles back up the stairs and pushes on the now-closed door. "Dammit!"

"What?" Claire can already feel the chill spreading through her body.

"We're locked in."

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven

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