Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #237

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"Honestly ..." Molly draws in a deep breath and then releases it just as noisily. "I don't know. I care about you, Brent, I do, but--it seems really inappropriate to take this any further."

"You're right," he says, though it sounds more like a submission than an agreement.

She can see his displeasure. "That's not how I want it to go, but it has to be that way. Under different circumstances, who knows? But not now, not like this. We can't pretend that nothing has happened."

Brent forces his good judgment to override his emotions. "I know. It's going to be a long road to healing, for Sarah and for both of us. We don't need to complicate things even more."

He falls silent and lets his eyes sweep over her. A gentle hand reaches out to touch her cheek. "Mol, if things weren't like this ..."

She feels her own resolve wavering and finally has to brush the hand away. "I know. But they are ... It's too soon to make any decisions."


There is a stretch of quiet just long enough for both of them to hear the strange sound. They share a look, each wondering if the other heard it.

"What was that?" Molly asks finally.

"I don't know," Brent says, but then he raises a palm. "Hang on."

Sure enough, it is coming from outside. Brent slides over to the door and listens as the noise continues. Scratching, it sounds like.

He eases the door open and for a second sees nothing. Then he looks down.

"Oh!" Molly cries out. "How cute!"

"He must be lost," Brent says as he kneels down and pets the puppy on the head.

"It's a pug," Molly says, joining Brent on the floor. "These are so adorable."

Brent shoots her an amused look. "Really, you think so? I would've taken you more for a poodle woman."


"Yeah, you know -- pink bows attached, prancing around with that snotty attitude," he grins.

"No way. I think dogs like this are so much cuter." She spends a few seconds petting the puppy and then reaches under its neck. "Here, it's got a tag. Let's call the owners."

"All right, I'll get the phone." Brent rises and makes his way across the room.

Molly follows him, scooping the puppy into her arms as she stands. "You are too cute ..." she coos as the dog eagerly licks her face.

Brent cannot help but smile. "Hey, read me the number."

Molly obliges and then immediately goes back to playing with the puppy, paying only minimal attention to what Brent is saying on the phone. Before she realizes it, he is hanging up.

"The owner is coming over to get him," he says. "She only lives a few doors down."

"All right, good. I'd hate to see this little guy be lost." The puppy offers a few more playful licks. "Although I guess I wouldn't mind keeping him. He's absolutely adorable!"

Brent's smile broadens as he watches the scene. It only makes him have to work harder not to reach out and pull her to him.

"Yoohoo," Molly calls. "You off in outer space?"

He shakes his head. "No, not at all. I'm right here." His mind fills in the rest, the part he knows he shouldn't speak: And there's no place else I'd rather be.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven

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