Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #237

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"I'm not working for that company anymore, that's all," Diane says casually.

"Ah." Sarah hesitates, unsure whether she should pursue this any further, but she can tell that there is something Diane is withholding. "Are you sure that's all? Is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine." The response is clipped and snappish, and it gives Sarah pause.

"So," she says, trying to move gracefully away from whatever it was that appeared to set Diane off, "are you settling back here?"

"Maybe. Now that I've got Samantha, who knows? I figure I might as well stick around until this custody thing is resolved for real, and that could be a couple months. Plus I've got a guy I'm sorta seeing ..." Diane spots the opening for a shift in the conversation and leaps on it. "Hey, how'd it go the other night with your husband?"

The change in Sarah's mood is very visible. "Oh, just wonderfully. He tried to force divorce papers on me."

"Did you sign 'em?"

"No! He's not getting off the hook that easily. And then, to top it all off, my sister showed up. I completely blew up at both of them."

Diane's lips twist into a smirk. She is clearly relishing the story. "Good for you."

"Not only that," Sarah says, encouraged by Diane's reaction, "but I got so fed up with Molly that I shoved her into the bay."

"Whoa!" Diane's eyes grow a little wider.

"She deserved it."

"Well, if she's moving in on your husband, then maybe she did. I remember the way she jerked Brian around for months ..." Suddenly Diane gets a little quieter.

"Yeah, causing people grief seems to be at the top of her agenda these days--" Though she would gladly continue, the ringing of her cell phone interrupts her.

"Hello?" she answers. She listens to the voice on the other end and the vengeful delight begins to fade from her smile. "Yeah, sure. That sounds ... really nice. What time? ... All right, yeah. I'll see you then, if I don't talk to you before."

She hangs up the phone, looking quite satisfied.

"What was that?" Diane asks, her interest captured once again.

"Matt," she says, then adds hastily, "Victoria's father. He wanted to know if I'd like to spend Christmas at his place."

"You said yes, I presume."

"Yeah, of course."

"So ... Is there something going on with the two of you now?"

"Nah." Sarah shakes her head quickly but then pauses. "I don't know. I mean, we're bonded because of our daughter. It'll be good for her to spend Christmas with both of us."

"Mm-hmm," Diane nods knowingly.

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six . Seven

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