Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #236

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Face to face. Nowhere else to go.

Molly's frenzied admission has rendered the moment between her and Brent so raw, so real, that no matter how hard either of them might try to escape it, they can't. Not that they necessarily want to.

Brent's lips part, but Molly has to jump in before there is any room for confusion or misunderstanding. There has been too much of those things, too much dancing around the truth. The thought of having to do it all again feels like a sentence to a lifetime of imprisonment.

"I love you," she says slowly, lips trembling from the cold and maybe because of him, too. "I am in love with you. And I don't know where that leaves us, but I needed you to know it. I can't keep playing this double role of being your best friend and then aching so badly for you inside."

Whatever Brent was going to say a moment ago has faded. He stares at her speechlessly.

A shiver courses through her body. "I'm sorry, Brent. This is probably the last thing you needed to hear right now--"

"No." He pauses just long enough to be sure that he has her undivided attention. "No. That night when Sarah started ripping into you and I said I was the one with feelings for you ... I lied."


"I lied," he chokes. "I had to. Because I couldn't say the whole truth in front of her or she would have completely lost it. What you just said -- saying you love me -- it's exactly what I wanted to hear." He pauses and is certain that Molly can feel the same incredible pull toward him that he feels toward her. "Because I love you, too."

"My God," she whispers in amazement. All those times that she tried to figure out if he felt the same way, trying to read between the lines of every little gesture and every word ... She was right. He has felt the exact same way that she has.

He drinks in the sight of her. Her dark hair, still wet from her plunge into the water, sticks to her face and her shoulders in a way that he can only describe as unbelievably sexy. He watches a droplet of water roll down her face and over her lips, and suddenly he knows that he has to taste her again.

Shaking, his fingers reach to tip up her chin. She gives in all too happily, waiting with baited breath for the moment she has anticipated for so long. Brent lowers his head to hers, making the quickest instant of eye contact as he moves in and closes his eyes. A spark flies between them that pulls him nearer.

The taste of her lips against his is incredible, unbelievable. His mouth sinks into hers and he feels the longing to get lost in her forever burning inside of him.

"Molly," he says softly as they part, unable to think of anything else to say and wanting so badly to feel her on his lips again already.

"We shouldn't do this."

"Probably not. But everything I said -- I meant it, you've gotta believe that. I love you, Mol."

"I know. And I love you, too." She closes her eyes, clearly having to force herself to do this. "But right now, I need to go. We need to be apart for a little while."

He gestures at the whole of her wet form. "Are you going to be okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine."

"All right. Hang onto the jacket for now."

She pulls out her keys, having to drag herself away. "We'll talk later ..."

"Yeah ... Goodnight."

"Goodnight," she gulps as she turns and walks back down the pier.

He watches as she disappears into the parking lot. The urge to follow her and never let go is almost irresistible. The moment that they just shared is the creature that has haunted his mind for so long, but it was so much more than he could have imagined. He knows it is something he will hold onto forever.

And he knows that, no matter what, tonight has made it clear that he and Molly have to be together.


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