Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #236

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The winter chill is no match for Claire's boiling blood. Her wool coat hangs from her body, unbuttoned, as she stalks up the driveway. Seeing the dark house looming before her, however, rattles her. This has all happened so quickly that she almost didn't consider that she'd actually have to be here, doing this, facing it all again.

Stan's appearance at the apartment sent her retreating into Travis's room to play a game with him, in the hope that acting normally would make it all go away. No such luck. Within minutes she'd been back on her feet, calling Paula to make sure that she could look after Travis for a while.

And now she's here. The house stands before her, unsettling as always. Yet something is drawing her to it. Something is driving her to ascend the front stairs and knock on the door.

Lesser of two evils, she guesses with a huff. Maybe not. But this is necessary anyway.

She trudges up the steps, purse clutched tightly to her side, and curls her fingers around the heavy doorknocker. A puff of the cold night catches in her throat.

"Why am I doing this?" she whispers.

Because you have to face this. You have to do something about it before it tears you apart completely.

Her hand raises the knocker and, after the slightest pause, lowers it back down to the door. Slam slam slam. Three hard knocks and her chest tightens as she waits for the sound of footsteps on the other side.

The door yanks open suddenly, with no footsteps or no locks being undone to give her warning. And there, right in front of her, is Ryan. He looks paler than normal, and hardly even affected by the sight of her.

"What in the hell is going on?" she demands. Even attempting to be subtle in starting out would probably make her lose her nerve, she is sure of it. This isn't something she particularly wants to be discussing.

"What are you up to now?" she continues before he can get a word in. The dumbstruck look on his face is enough to fuel her fire. "How could you send him after me? That was low, even for you!"

"Claire! Calm down! What the hell are you talking about?"

"Stan!" she shouts, even though the name threatens to make her sick. "Why was he at my apartment? What are you up to?"

"I'm not up to--he was at your apartment?!" Ryan is suddenly as frantic as she is. "What? When?"

His confusion is too genuine to be fabricated, and it leaves her completely without a reaction.

"He was at your apartment?" Ryan asks again.

"Yeah." She swallows hard, then mumbles, "Then why was he there? What's going on?"

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six

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