Footprints: An Online Soap -- Episode #236

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"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about it." Molly wraps Brent's jacket around her and pulls the front closed. Even though she knows it should be the last thing on her mind right now, she is a little bit concerned about getting it wet.

"We should get you home so you can change," Brent says. "It's freezing out here."

His concern is apparent, and it touches Molly more than she'd have thought it would. These moments have been too rare lately -- although maybe that's for the best.

"Hang on a minute," she says. "I don't want to walk past Sarah, at least not yet. Let's give her some time to cool down."

"Good idea." He casts a glance up the pier, where Matt has taken Sarah. He shakes his head with disgust, but there is a hint of sadness in his expression that makes Molly wonder whether the condemnation is intended for Sarah or for himself -- or for her.

"I cannot believe this happened," Molly says carefully.

"Yeah, me neither. I-I'm sorry. I had to give her the papers, I just didn't know she was going to get so out of control. I shouldn't have let you come any closer--"

"It's not your fault."

"This whole damn thing is my fault." The disgust is coming through loud and clear now. "How could I even have let myself marry her when--when I knew it wasn't going to work. I knew, even then ..."

He turns away from Molly. "I am such a jerk. Why did I think I could toy with her life like this? That's all I've been doing, really -- trying to make everyone else's feelings fit my whims. I haven't been considering anyone but myself."

"That's not true."

"No, it is. I've been really selfish. I hurt Sarah so badly. And you ... I've jerked you around for so long. It's not fair to anyone."

"Brent, stop." She lays a hand on his shoulder but he doesn't turn back to face her. She lets the hand linger. "Don't talk yourself into this. You are not selfish. You have been there for me time after time after time, and you never had to be. You were an incredible brother to Danielle when she was going through all that stuff with Andy. And you have been more than patient with Sarah through all of this. You are a good guy."

He shakes his head, unwilling to accept that so easily. "No, I'm not. Look at what a mess I've made. I'm none of the things you say I am."

"Yes, you are!"

"No! Don't just try to make me feel better! We're past that!"

"I'm not just trying to make you feel better!" Her hand snaps him back around as she blurts out, "You are all of the things I said you are! That is why I love you!"

Next scene
One . Two . Three . Four . Five . Six

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